
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

[Activities] Arnab Village Ranau

A continuation from my previous post.  We left the camp site and proceeded to Arnab Village in Ranau.  What seems to be a short trip became long due to traffic condition heading towards Ranau.  Not too sure what happened, probably an accident?  We were stuck longer than expected (like a 25 mins trip took us more than an hour, whyyy??).  Thank god we have snacks in our car.  Almost lost it.  We had a funny live video on Facebook 😂. 

Every now and then I see a familiar location (race route, KIBBAS!!!) 

Parking spots are available around the area but a bit muddy due to rain.  Entry to the rabbit village is RM5 per person.  There's also a cat room but we didn't go check it out.  

You can feed the rabbits with the snacks, sold for RM1 per pack (if I remember this correctly).

Entrance to overloading cuteness!!!
Fun facts:

  • If you haven't been here, you probably should!  This is one of the biggest rabbit park and the first in Sabah.  
  • There's over 400 rabbits here. OMG!

The rabbits were probably hungry coz when I was trying to feed 1, a swarm came 😂😂😂 super friendly or super hungry?

There's many different types of rabbit breed but I can't remember.  I was too overwhelmed by the number.  Some looked dirty from the mud.  Some were caged.

My attempt to feeding the bunnies.  I'd be freaking out coz am scared that I might get bitten *awkward laugh.

There's a cafe right near the exit.  And some local stalls selling fruits and misc stuffs.

This place is really big.

We didn't spend too much time here coz we were hungry.  Left for Kundasang for late lunch.  Overall it was fun walking around tons of rabbits but I guess we were a bit tired that day.

More info. about this place:  Arnab Village Website.

How to get there:


  1. Hi sis

    I hv yet to visit this attraction but will do soon. Very informative post. Thanks for the sharing. Cheers, Lan

  2. Thanks for dropping by. I try my best to fill as much info as I can 🤗. We have yet meet! One day.
