
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

[Activities] Murug Turug Eco Resort

It's funny how social media plays a major role in our daily life.  Like how much time a person spent being online?  I know how it feels like not being online for 4 days (Mulu trip, Digi! YUDo this? I survived, will try to finish writing about that, it's in my draft since last year). 

You know that feeling of seeing something so beautiful and wanting to be there?  I have seen a lot and this is one of the places in my bucket list of places to visit.  I also love following food bloggers/instagrammers hehe.

Been so grateful with having people who share the same sentiment about exploring nature and  totally enjoying the moment.

The initial plan was to go there with my group of 5 last year, but due to unforeseen circumstances, had to postponed it to early January.  Made the booking and we're set.

Why I keep seeing typo errors when my spelling is correct? OYE!

Murug Turug waterfall is located at Kg. Minangkob, Tamparuli.  You can get infos about this place on their Facebook page, here

There are 3 package offered.
Pakej A:  Murug Turug Waterfall - 4km return
Pakej B: 5km return - 3 waterfalls
Pakej C: 12km return via Malas Kalas trail - 7 waterfalls

Price varies, info. here.

Optional: Certificate: RM5, meals: RM20 (breakfast, lunch and tea time) - food is good ooo.

Recommended to wear trail shoe with good grip or adidas kampung.  Adidas kampung is also available for rent.  If you don't wanna get wet, it is advisable to bring raincoat/jacket.  

No leeches.  YAY!!!

I should have worn shorts but to look slim in photos, one would always wear long tights.  Hehe.  

I picked package C for the group with meals and certificate.

The day finally came, I carpooled and met my other 2 friends at the starting point.  Wasn't feeling so great but just go with it.  There were other groups but not as crowded.  The resort can cater for more than 100 pax per day.

Pre-ordered breakfast, coffee and fried noodles.  Sedap

Arrived at slightly before 7:30am, had breakfast and packed lunch.

Did you spotted this?  There's also local stalls selling drinks and durian nearby.

Briefing from the person in charge, introduction to the guides, group photos and off we go.

Group photos with the other group, hantu bukit, macam some of them came 3 times already (missing 2 of my group members lol)
Ging #SabahChats (Ahang and Gotoh)

Package C goes through Malas Kalas trail.  It can be challenging as you go through streams and waterfall path, steep uphill and downhill.  Some part can get a bit technical.  I usually don't study my route and always expect the unexpected (like when am doing a race, thankfully during a race, my pacer will brief me with map guides and course description).

When rocks looks like a shelter
Best feeling, I love waterfalls :)

Fungi spotted along the way.  No crawlies :( . 

Reached the peak, with my peeps.

Making our way down from the peak to the waterfalls.  I got this!  Reminds me of doing trail races in Sabah.

Had our group photo taken and had lunch finally (I was so hungry, actually I was hungry since 10am).  Our packed lunch, local dish consisting of linopot, ikan basung, losun and jantung pisang masak lemak.  So good.  What best way to enjoy your meal looking at waterfall, might be a bit too cold for some though.

Buat macam rumah sendiri
Mandi manda near the waterfall.  Sioks!  It's a bit deep nearer to the waterfall.

After spending more than an hour at Murug Turug Waterfall.  Went back via shortcut and skipped 2 other waterfall coz it rained.

Along the way back to the starting point, you go through the local's durian orchard.  You also can enjoy eating durian there (just arrange it with the locals).

The starting point for Pakej A and B.

Our kuih (kuih keria) and coffee.  Estimated time to complete the course as expected, around 8 hours, maybe it will be longer if we explored the other 2 waterfalls.  Arrived at before 2pm and left after showering/changing.

Toilet and showers are provided near the parking area.  So thoughtful and convenient.

Overall it was a great experience.  I would totally redo package C.  But would love to also to just spend my time at the waterfall.  If you haven't been here, I highly recommend that you plan a visit here soon!

I hope to write more about places to explore around Sabah, apart from what I have been blogging about in the past.  Hope you enjoyed reading through and feel free to ask any question.


  1. Punya cantikkkkk the waterfall area!

    1. Yessss harus pigi if berkesempatan ❤

  2. nice one! thanks for visiting murug turug eco tourism.

  3. hello, how long is the trail going to the murug turug waterfall if we get pakej A?

    1. I mentioned it in my post. 4km return for pakej A.

    2. I didn’t ask how far, I asked how long. How long meaning time to reach the waterfall and back.

  4. hello, how long is the trail going to the murug turug waterfall if we get pakej A?

  5. Oh sorry, I misinterpreted your question. How long hmm. Probably can reach there 30 mins, maybe less, depending on your fitness I guess. This is by estimation coz I took the pakej C and returned via pakej A.

  6. Great blog! Do you need to book everything in advance or just show up at the park, pay and start the hike? What time you need to arrive at the park. Thanks :)

    1. Hi, thanks for the comment, sorry for the late reply. Preferably book everything in advance. I reply faster via my IG.
