
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

[Activities] Mulu Pinnacles (4D3N) Trip 2017 - Part 2

In case you missed the first part of this post, here.

Back to where I left off.  Sorry this took awhile, been having problems with the connection.

Mulu Pinnacles 💜

Day 3: Mulu Pinnacles

Our group

God awful instant porridge.  So salty.

Woke up early and had quick breakfast and filled our bottle.  I had an extra 1.5 litre bottle that I carry along this hike with my 2 litre water on my hydration bag.  That's not heavy at all.

We left at 6:10am when everyone's ready to go.  From Camp 5, we walked along this trail with markers along the trail.  It was crazy hot, and I expected some cold wind.  Our guide, Nim, helped me carry my "dumbbell" for a bit till the halfway point.  Lucky me.  I think coz I use both my hands going up, more like I crawled my way up.

There's a lot of sharp rocks (why one should wear gloves) and tree roots.

Markers along the way.

Can't believe this is the only marker photo I took hahaha
Mini pinnacles, one of the resting stop.

When you expect mini pinnacles to look like the actual thing.  That was funny.

Left our extra bottle at halfway point.  The feeling when trying to reach to this point going down.

Some area with ropes.  The siblings from KL.
Met our first ladder, to my horror!

Total 17 ladders

We were laughing at the vertical wall at one point.

Took me more than 4 hours to reach the peak.  I'd let everyone to go ahead of me, didn't wanna slow everyone down and I know for sure I would take the most time going up these ladders.   

Am here!!!!  It's so windy on this rock. 

In reality: I put on my sunnies so no one can see how afraid I was 😅.

Packed lunch, bread with cheese and apple.  Thanks to Evan for these luxurious meal.

What goes up, must come down.

Those ladders and that height, not trusting my legs.  The photos of me taken by our guide, Chris, who waited for me as I go down lol.
Struggle was so real, I was the last one to go down those ladders because I can't see where am stepping and usually I would wanna see how people go down.  But after all these ladders, I went down smoothly hahaha.
The relief when I saw this sign!  Arrived back at the park at after 3pm.  One of my friend got back down around noon.  Mean machine, and she nap while waited for us to arrive.

Not much photo going up coz I had my action camera shoot at chest level but have yet compile that.  Video too long.


The best feeling after that long full body workout hike. 

The night before we get back to civilization, cooked together and had a "family dinner".

The kitchen area.  Preparing dinner
Our canned foods.  We have sardines, curry chicken, baked beans, ketupat (substitute for rice), sweet potatoes, black bean fish. 

Our small family hehe.


Sleeping was a struggle on our last night coz there's an orchestra of snores going around the camp.  It was funny.

Day 4:  Getting back to the starting point

Instant noodle for breakfast before trek back to the starting point, 9km back.  It rained the night before so expect some leeches along the trail.  Heading back was faster coz I didn't stop for photos.  Was back in 2 hours I think hahaha.
The same boatman, some part need some pushing.

Finally arrived back at the Park.

We showered and repacked our luggage at the hostel.

Lunch before our flight back to Kota Kinabalu.

Goodbye Gunung Mulu National Park, see you again soon.  Thank you for the hospitality, it has been fun, everyone was great!  I highly recommend you to visit this place.  Would love to do Mulu Summit in the future.

Cost breakdown

Return flight (BKI - MZV)295.32
Park Fee (for 5 days) 15.00
Transport Airport to Mulu Park (Optional: 1.5km walk)5.00
Long house hostel for 1 night (inclusive breakfast)55.00
Dinner at the GoodLuck Cave'fe
(Fried Meehoon RM10, Vege RM3 shared, 2 bottles 
of 1.5litre drinking water RM12
Packed lunch from park cafe
(Vegetarian Fried Rice with Egg RM13 with RM1 for container)
Mulu Pinnacles (3D2N)
(includes boat ride, camp 5 accommodation for 2 nights & guide)
Clearwater & Wind Cave Tour30.00
Lunch at Park Cafe23.00
Transportation from park to Mulu Airport5.00
Drinking water (airport cafe)5.00

Hope this post helps with you planning your trip.  Thanks for reading.  


  1. orchestra of snores, so funny! Hahahaha...
    Mulu Pinnacles is really stunning and amazing. I wish I could climb up but too bad, my stamina isn't that strong enough. You are indeed one tough and strong, gal!

    1. Thanks, yeah a group of uncles snores so loud 😅 thank god it was our last day. It's just a bit technical, I think anyone can do it 💪

  2. Awesome view at the peak, the mini pinnacle look kinda unique and awesome

    1. Yeah, it a really positive place to be at. ❤ Regardless how hard it was going up. 😂

  3. awesome activities
    totally enjoy and awesome

    1. Indeed it was. Thanks for dropping by 🤗

  4. Massy,
    What a great adventure! And nice article I say. I was here in 1996 and they even gave certs to those who went to Pinnacles. Miss this place!

    1. Siok kannn, I never work so hard to get to the peak oh. Whattt there's cert? I didn't get cert 😱 need to check on that 🤔
