
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

[Event & Activities] Rediscovering Tawau - Part 1

If you've been following my social media (especially Instagram and Twitter), I have been in Tawau for the past 3 days last weekend, experiencing it like a tourist.  Hashtag: beingtouristy.

Hello TAWAU!
I was in Tawau for 4 years during my teen years and studied there.  I don't go back as often as I want but I would definitely wanna go back again to rediscover the food and hiking spots (think I've been to some when I was younger, my dad like to take us around and see places also enjoy plenty of eating, hence why I was a chubbykins when I was younger, thank you dad), maybe can also include diving in the process since I got my license.  

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

[Events] Milo Breakfast Day Run 2018

I don't usually register for a race/run till the very last minute but this is one of many last minute run that I've registered (okay, that includes TMBT coz I registered before closing date).  

For this one though, I'd registered 3 weeks before (just coz I saw the "bunting" along the road near my house and couldn't resist).  A way to kick start my running haha okay not really but you get what I mean.  Thankfully, they still have shirts my size (size cumil). 

Registration fee was RM30 (and it's cheaper if you registered in a group), you'll get an event tee, a running bib, the medal (given you finish the run/walk) and goodie bags after the run.  It's not a competition guys! (bilang si Cassie).

Apparently, Milo Run is not something new.  It is an annual event and has been around since 2013.  First time for me though, I wonder why I did not register any before.  Glad I did this year.  According to the website, the mission of driving the importance of breakfast as an essential source of energy to take on the day.  I also found out that RM5 of the registration fee goes to charity (correct me if am wrong).

Friday, July 06, 2018

[Activities] PADI Open Water Dive Course

You can't imagine the number of times I rewrite this post (now, while listening to Jacob Lee on Spotify).

Here we go again trying to restart how I wanna write about my Open Water Dive course experience (typing without looking what am typing and let all the juices flow).

I know a lot of people who wanted to explore the underwater world but doesn't know how and where to start.  Thankfully, I have friends who thought about me when they have something interesting to do.  

My first underwater experience was with Borneo Divers, I took the Discovering Scuba, which takes about a day with 2 dives, did it at Mamutik, that was brief, but was definitely a fun experience, though, I wished I had gone more than 10m at that time (didn't know how to equalize and what's up with my buoyancy?), and this was 3 years ago.

Moving forward to 2018, I finally decided to take the Open Water Dive course with my two (2) other friends.  Again, am blessed with people who helped me arrange.  I guess I wasn't thinking straight, I had 10 days to prepare (right after my Maliau Basin trip, I hope I couldn't finish that post soonish, "sabar kamurang").  I mean, what is there to prepare right?  Just do it! YOLO!

Monday, July 02, 2018

[Activities] KK (Kota Kinabalu) Free Walking Tour

Sabah Tourism Board (STB) recently introduced the KK Free Walking Tour.  It is open for everyone (tourist, locals) who wish to learn more about the history (dated back to pre-post and post-war), heritage and culture of KK City.  The tour is currently available on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and starts at 9am, Sabah Tourism Board.  

Registration can be made via or walk in and register at the counter at the STB building (please take note that each session is limit to 15 pax only, it is advisable to register early).  Oh yes, did I mention that it is FREE?