
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

[Event & Activities] Rediscovering Tawau - Part 1

If you've been following my social media (especially Instagram and Twitter), I have been in Tawau for the past 3 days last weekend, experiencing it like a tourist.  Hashtag: beingtouristy.

Hello TAWAU!
I was in Tawau for 4 years during my teen years and studied there.  I don't go back as often as I want but I would definitely wanna go back again to rediscover the food and hiking spots (think I've been to some when I was younger, my dad like to take us around and see places also enjoy plenty of eating, hence why I was a chubbykins when I was younger, thank you dad), maybe can also include diving in the process since I got my license.  

I also have a lot of relatives in Tawau but I don't think they will recognize me coz I look so Chinese.

Our guide, Rey from Sandakan Borneo
I will cover some of the places I've been to in this trip and hopefully in 1 blog post.  Thank you Sabah Tourism Board for the opportunity to rediscover my hometown and to witness the launch of Tawau Tourism Packages.

Day 1: 13th July 2018  

Our first location is to have "brunch" at Kedai Kopi Yuan Yuan.  Mem Umie (Sandakan based social influencer) will meet us there.

1.  Kedai Kopi Yuan Yuan

Located at Taman Megah Jaya, Jalan Apas.

This place is famous for their delicious soto with fresh seafood or you could opt for chicken or meat.  I was with SabahEats but we had to sit separately since tables are easily filled up here.  Met Mem Umie for the second time, we clicked instantly!  (the first time I met here was at SabahChat's anniversary, but we didn't get to mingle).

I ordered the Soto Daging, Prawn with Wantan.  I can't remember how much this cost but it's definitely more than RM10.  Soto ayam is RM5.50, so affordable.

Personally, I love the wantan and prawn, so big and delicious.

Mind you, this place is so famous that food might run out.

Our next destination was to Pasar Tanjung Tawau, it is also a UTC building.

Childhood memories be like coming here for snacks.

2.  Pasar Tanjung Tawau / UTC Tawau

There are a lot of products being sold here, from wet to dry food products, spices, snacks and kitchenware (mostly on the ground floor), 1st floor usually are dried products like salted fish, shrimps and etc.  2nd floors sells clothes.  

Famous items to purchase would be Amplang, Gajus (cashew), Blinjo, salted fish and kitchen wares like pots and pans (these are really cheap).  I can't help but get it here, it taste a bit different from the ones from Kota Kinabalu, somehow.

Also salted fish is delicious, according to some of my friends.  I didn't get any coz I wasn't sure which kind.

We've checked in to our hotel and proceed to the launch of Tawau Tourism Packages in the evening.

Launch of Tawau Tourism Packages 2018

The minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment, Yang Berhormat, Puan Christina Liew launched the holiday package for Tawau with the initiative by Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents (MATTA) which will feature 30 packages to attract domestic and international tourists to the district.

Tawau being the 3rd largest city in Sabah is set as the next tourist destination starting year 2019.

The package will include places of interest such as nature, tallest tropical tree, hot springs, golfing, cocoa village, bird nest, island visits and seafood.  Maybe a walking tour around the city?  There are some historical landmarks that I know of.

Plague signing by the minister of tourism, culture and environment
She hoped that it will bring development and economic growth through tourism which will create business and job opportunities to many.

Oh look, who's on duty.  We came separately. 
Refreshments after the launch at the hotel.  Food was good.

I had reserved my tummy for dinner since we'll be having seafood but my friend had other plans. 

Personal Detour: Restoran Kampung Taste Selera Kampung

Tagged along with my friend Evan and Gee from Tedar Travel and Tours to Restoran Kampung Taste Selera Kampung around town area (near Fajar).

Sanggar pappek (flattened banana fritters) are most common thing to eat apart from Pisang Cheese.

Sanggar Pappek (flatten banana fritters) served with tomato based sweet sambal. 
Did you know these banana fritters are fried twice?  It's so crunchy, good for tea time.

Ikan goreng mandar
If I didn't need to go dinner at 7pm, I would probably eat this with rice.  This was a new recipe, and am lucky to try it out.  Definitely would wanna eat this when I get back.


Before dinner, decided to check out the rooftop.

L.A Hotel Rooftop Garden.

LA Hotel - is said to be the tallest building in Tawau.  You get to enjoy beautiful sunset from the rooftop lounge, it closes at midnight.

There's a new gym nearby, didn't get to go but I managed to see from my room window hehe. 

Back to the rooftop, sunset here is slightly earlier in Kota Kinabalu, so get ready to go up around 6pm (just in case).  This is such a nice place to chill. 

Room rates are pretty affordable, should you plan to stay here.

The sunset of Tawau town is as beautiful as the ones in KK.

3.  Kam Ling Seafood Restaurant

Dinner was at Kam Ling Seafood Restaurant located in Sabindo.  It has been operated for years and is well known among tourist local and internationally.

I don't usually know what to order when am at a seafood restaurant.  It will always be the same dish, especially when am with my family.  So, I let SabahEats decides the order (I only wanted soy sauce fish, and that was really delicious).

Fresh steamed prawns

Steamed grouper in soy sauce, this was the yummiest in my book.  So flavorful, I could lick the plate.
This place serves fresh seafood and is highly recommended for those who plans to visit Tawau.  It opens from 2pm to 10:15pm.

Kam hiong deep fried squid

I don't know what is this noodle dish but this was good too.

Must order this!  I think this fried chicken is marinated is honey bbq sauce, it's so delicious, I finished it!
Can you believe this 4 people ate these 8 dishes (supposed to be 9 but they forgot our crab, I will let it slide coz food was awesome and we were full).

If we ordered dessert, I don't think I'll be able to walk hahaha.  But that was a fulfilling meal. 

I guess I'll continue Day 2 and 3 in Part 2. 

Thanks for reading.  Feel free to leave a comment :)

- to be continued -


  1. terus rindu tu sanggar peppek bah ..
    slalu makan time kerja di Kunak ...

    1. Kannnn. Nda termakan aku mee tauhu and nasi kuning there but I found good nasi kuning here in kk. And payau bah, kamon, I didn't get to eat this.

  2. It's my birth place... sudah lama ndak balik sana. Macam banyak sudah perubahan... the food looks delicious oh. Best juga ah the trip! :)

    1. Siok kan. This baru part 1. Wait for part 2. Ehhh, u born there pulak. Baru I tau oh. I miss my travel buddies.

  3. Your photo of the town during sunset very nice and colourful! I llove it!

    1. Thank you. It's one of those days with better sunsets. I was surprised.

  4. YUMS!
    It's been a while since I visited Tawau ler!
    I stayed at LA Hotel too when I was there!

    1. There's so much Tawau has got to offer but time was limited. It was fun!
