
Monday, March 09, 2020

[Activities] Paddle with the Legend: Sunrise Kayaking at Kg. Serusup, Tuaran.

With the current covid-19 situation, traveling abroad is best avoided.  Life aren't necessarily be boring for all of us (in reality my life is pretty hectic with running plans and food tasting, occasionally will take a day or 2 off just to rest).  There's so many beautiful places that you can go on an adventure locally at a reasonable price.  In reality, I don't think anyone will be able to finish it unless they travel full time.

The view of Mt. Kinabalu 😍

Me and my paddling partner Jollence

Last weekend, I went for a wonderful day trip with the gang and Wavehunter Asia to catch sunrise while kayaking at Kg. Serusup, Tuaran (sleep deprived me made it).  Mind you, the last time I had any paddling was White Water Rafting at Padas and my arms are definitely weak (being a runner and all).

So here are some pointers before your trip.

Jesselton point pick up point at 5am
Price: RM135 per pax (including meal and 45 mins return trip from Jesselton Point to Tuaran).  Pick up point is at 5am.  You can park your car nearby (don't forget the parking coupon).  RM110 per pax if you choose to drive yourself, with minimum 2 pax for walk-in (required to book at least 24 hours prior).  Group booking for up to 20 pax per day.

We start at dawn!

Duration: 2.5 hours activity.  You will paddle 3km towards the mountain view (overcast morning for sunrise but beautiful mountain view) and make a u-turn for the mangrove tunnel (a bit of maneuvering if you're taking photo/video) making it a total 9-10km loop.  You will be able to spot wildlife along the mangrove and pass by Mimpian Jadi beach side.

Toilet and showers
Toilet and showers available on site.

Gathering point

Recommended items to bring:
  1. Extra clothes after the activity (advisable to wear comfortable clothes/beach wear).  Towels if you wanna shower after.  You can leave these at the starting point/van.
  2. Light snack before activity, drinking water if you wanna bring on your kayak - advisable.
  3. Dry bag (if you bring your smartphone, unless you're using action camera) - advisable.
  4. Cap/hat (just in case it's hot out).
  5. Sunblock, insect repellent.
  6. Shades to protect your eyes from harsh sunlight.
Briefing from the guide

Photo by: jollence

The activity starts with briefing from the guide on how to hold your paddle, how to maneuver and paddle your way along the lake.  Don't forget your life jacket.  It's a 2 person activity so you're paired with your friend or the guide (in case you came alone).

Emergency boat will follow along during the activity for safety.  Guide will occasionally check up on you too, just in case you're tired or needed help and to guide your way.  Pretty straight forward.

Mangrove tunnel 💜💜💜

There were parts of tunnel that are narrow, amazingly beautiful.  Uh oh! Can we go there?

Tree planting

Super fun!  You'll also get a full body workout from it.  No sunburn coz it's cloudy!  

The beach side before returning back to starting point

Ben u-turning to get a shot hahahha

Personal UBER 😆😆😆

Positive vibes!

Meal and shower after activity before returning back to Jesselton Point.

The end.

Side note:  I'll do my best to edit my videos hahahha.

For further information about booking and activity, contact Wavehunter Asia via Instagram: wavehunterasia and Facebook: wavehunterasia

Thank you for reading and feel free to comment.  Hope I don't miss out anything haha.

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