
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The "bitch" at work:

She loan money from everybody. I mean everybody including the loan shark. She was off yesterday (she dun have any leave, so why is she still taking leave and nobody seems to take any action? *sigh). Heard a lot of people calling looking for her. People here brought up the matter to our boss. He finally wrote a "warning letter" to her. So called "final warning letter". Yeah rite. I hope that gonna work. Or maybe it's gonna be like any other year. She take extra 1 month leave freely. So unfair.

Today, somebody came to the office. Look like loan shark. Coz the guy look very fierce to me. Well maybe la. I was looking at his head not his face. The guy was like standing at the door asking in Malay "Where's Su*****?!". And since I'm in my room minding my own business. Took a peek actually. My colleague told him that she haven't come yet. Few minutes after that, well she came. Wearing all pink. Ewww looking like Bienda. That singer. I mean the style la. Not the looks. Eww~ She's not as cute as her daughter ok. I mean bitch. Anyways, I still think she look weird. Geez~

Upcoming stories next. Hahhahaha since I got nothing to do. Might as well rite?

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