
Friday, August 18, 2006

Just when I was getting excited to blog about the road to my house. My car gimme problem. *sigh~

Lemme start all over again. I was on leave yesterday to send my car for service. After 9 months only service hee~ I dun go around places like everyone. Anyways, went to the car service thinggie at 10am with my 2nd sis and mum. Then went to Inanam Town for lunch. Tasty!!! Nyum~! Cost me about RM25.40 for 3 person. We went to the bank. Then went to Servey Likas to shop. Oooooo I love those bedsheet. Wanted to get one but *sigh~ None interesting. I think I wanna go back and get it. Actually I wanted to get a kitty litter box but they dun have it there. Only have at Servey Penampang. *sigh~

Went back before 2pm. Went to check my tyres and went back home. They doing the tar thinggie on the road. Can't pass. *sigh~ So sad. Waited for 20 minutes or so. Damn so hot. And finally got home. Mum and sis directly went to watch tv. hehe~ Last episode of this Thai drama? Geez~ tv most of the time. Till 9pm. Played Diablo II till er midnight. Bro slept on my bed again. Heheheh. This time I didn't take photo. I did the last time. Hee~

So then, woke up early this morning. As usual go to work. Went off around 7 something. *sigh~ Now wut? Drive as usual. Suddenly got weird sound coming from my car. *sigh~ I hope it's not from my car but it sounded like it's from my car. *wtf?!? *sigh~ So I went on but I panicked and stopped at the parking lot near my bro's office. Called my mum like more than 4 times. I think I called most of the people at home. Finally! Got my brother. Told him wut happen. Told mum wut happen. She sent somebody to come with my brother to pick me up. Geez. I waited for an hour and it's so hot. Am so hungry. Haven't had breakie since I dun eat bread with kaya or bread with peanut that mum had made for breakfast. Yesh! I know. I'm very picky! *sigh~

Guy took my car back to the workshop. Bro sent me to work. Am still hungry. *sigh~ Geez~ that's about it. *sigh~

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