
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Bangkok, Thailand Trip Day 1

I guess everyone's anxious to where I went during my holidays?

WARNING! Starting from here, it would gonna be a very long blog post. Seriously.

Stated as my title, that is where I went. With my dad, eldest sis and brother. 4 of us only yes. Mum had to stay coz my 2nd sis decided she wanna work.

Lemme start by taking a deep breath (maybe you guys should too?).

while waiting for dad. my sis decided to touch-up a bit?

he's giving me the cold shoulder ¬_¬

the angle is so wrong. i looked ugly fugly

So, my trip started on the 22nd December 2006 = Friday. We left home at around 3:30pm and stopped at dad's office for awhile for some boxes. Reached airport at around 4pm or so. Terminal 2 airport is under renovation. Even with those renovations going on? I gotta say, it would look gewd (well at least it's better than the previous one?) We had to wait for few minutes as we only can check-in at 4:50pm. No aircond yet. Got some fans only, but it's not very helpful coz I'm seriously sweating like shite!

a shot of lyne with the bags

people, lotsa people waiting to check-in. sollie, shakie hands hehe

Very crowded! Our flight to Bangkok is at 6:50pm (*distractions. kitty decided to sit in front of me. she long for attention it seem). As I was saying. Unfortunately, flight delayed till 7:40pm *sigh. I wish I would be happy but I'm not. Seriously, it's a long wait and there's barely air. Oh, there's actually 3 flight at that time. Hey I know Terminal 2 is under renovation but common! At least fans? Nope, no fan no aircond. I could seriously die. Oh 3 flights, umm, to KL, Sandakan and Bangkok.

the crowd inside. *hiks~ no air~ hu~~

We were like waiting for our turns. *sigh. Oh guess who I notice I saw? Amirul from AF3. Not sure if it's him or not but certainly looks like him? I guess nobody was sort of noticing coz nobody was going near him or anything like that?

Oh another person who my sis met is Atama. He was with his family going on the same trip as us. Wut a small world. I manage to get window seat! Ahhh, I'm a big fan of window seat. I hate sitting anywhere else actually. Lotsa camwhoring from my sis. Erm, I'm not sure how many photos she took of herself from her camera. But I could say from my camera? Her photos? Is more than 50 shots. Maybe less than 100 shot? Atama's brother, er I think the name is Arnold or something like that, was sitting behind me, dad was sitting in front of me and my brother

camwhoring. this is one of the shots taken using my sis's camera. my big teeth *hiks~

We were expecting to get some fewd during our flight but they somehow ran out of everything? They only have hot milo, cold milo and mineral water? Are you kidding me? I felt hungry already. Sleep my way through *sigh. Each milo cost 30 baht (a rough RM3). My sis, Lyne manage to learn some Thai sentences (not so sure about the spelling though).

Kun Sui Mia - You are beautiful

Sapai di mai? - How are you?

We reached Bangkok at around 10:30pm. I think? Thailand time is 1 hour late than us. Wait, I'm lost with the timing hahahahaha. Yay! Roaming for Digi and Hotlink. Er, sms-ing cost RM2 each and calls cost RM3 per minute? I think?

baggage claim *hiks~

crowd at the airport

an xmas tree outside the airport. look! that's one tall xmas tree. and lotsa lights >_<>

Quite crowded. Somebody from the local travel agency suppose to pick us up but nobody showed. As usual, my dad would be pissed in this kinda condition. In the end, dad was cursing and we took a taxi to the hotel. *sigh >_<" Taxi fare is 220baht + 50 baht. I think. We had to pay toll. 1st toll cost 75 baht, 2nd toll cost 40 baht. OMG I'm so confused. Which is which? *hiks. As usual, Lyne is camwhoring again? We were so hungry! We stayed at Eastin Hotel Bangkok which is located at Makkasan. We decided to check-in to the hotel first. Have you ever seen a hotel with so many mirrors? OMG! There's so many mirrors! Lotsa xmas decoration too. We're wondering how izzit to celebrate xmas at Bangkok. Hmm...

We went out to look for fewd. There's a 7-11 nearby. We walked a bit and saw some stalls, had "bird nest" for 50 baht each. The size of a normal rice bowl. It was ok. Ahhh, there's a restaurant nearby. A seafood restaurant called "Thong Chai Seafood".

thong chai seafood. omg. so tasty!

ahhh such cute ornaments. must take photo while waiting for fewd

ahhh tasty deep fried fish with garlic on top. this would taste really great with soya sauce *nyum

asparagus cooked with osyter sauce. i think the waiter pronounce asparagus wrongly by calling it asparagas or something like that *rofl

BBQ prawn? i think that is wut this dish is called? am not a prawn lover. allergic~

soup and tea. the tea looks like "teh tarik"? no sugar added. only "susu cap junjung" *hiks~

Nyum. Dinner, or I should say supper cost 1060 baht. I'm stuffed! I'm so gonna gain weight on my holidays *sigh. OMG! I slept at 2:24am. >_<" oh man. I wasn't sleepy, I was definately having a hard time to sleep. Not like my roomie. *pftttt. I actually took shots of the room but I'll upload it in other post coz too many photos to edit >_<" Driving me nuts. And I'm sick. Sore throat and slight fever *sigh.


  1. waw..wat a trip..anxious to read next post bout ur trip...

    if i ever had a chance to travel oversea ehehe...

  2. aceone: a painful foot massage yes...i'll post up some pix later..

    zaini: gonna take some time to post till 5 days...coz of photo editing resize >_<"

  3. So lucky! I'm still here in the Klang Valley! I'm so jealous of you right now....

    I find the Christmas tree very special and I love prawns and almost all seafood. Too bad you're allergic to prawns...They taste really good when cooked with fresh, fragrant ingredients...

    Catch up with you later...I think my recent entry is longer *sticks tongue out* haha, kidding.

    Cheers, Hui Wen

  4. wuah another long post? sweet..i'm gonna go read post gonna take some time to finish >_<" a lot of photos! :)

    yeah too bad *sigh. i'm a fish lover! XD

  5. The food...

    Im going for lunch now....

  6. wahhahahahahah...go eat at japanese dream train sana cps 4th floor palm square...if u're a fish lover like me...take nizakana set weeeeeeeeeee

  7. wow.. BANGKOK~~~~!!!!!
    was planning to go to thailand too for the year end holidays BUT ended up didnt go... was being sick for god knws how long...
