
Friday, December 29, 2006

Bangkok, Thailand Trip Day 2

23rd Dec 2006

I'm sorry if I took a long time to post and upload the photos. I've been sick. And still sick. My sickness couldn't get any worst. I got the flu now >_<" *sneezed~

this is my breakfast. fried mee, fried potatos and rice thinggie in cube shape (i forgot wut izzit called) ^_^"

Woke up at 8am. Got a wake up call from my brother (well sounded like my brother?). Wuahhh~ the water is so hot. Where is the medium one?

Had breakfast at the hotel. We left the hotel at 9:45am to this place at Moeng Thong Thani for Otop City International Fair 2006 at this place called Arena? (my kittens are bugging me again). We took a pink taxi, the driver is Mr. Suwan Pewsoi. Did I mention that most of the taxi are Toyota? Including the police car! Oh and the taxis are colorful. There's pink, blue, green+yellow, orangie and etc etc. Earlier the taxi driver told us the fare would be 400 baht, coz dad asked another taxi, that fellow said 500 baht. We took the cheap one? Yeah rite! Guess wut? We got ripped. The fare if follow meter should be around less than 200 baht including toll. Dad paid 40 baht for the 1st toll, 10 baht at the 2nd toll and 20 baht at the final toll. Aiyer, toll also we have to pay ourselves. My dad keep saying "No wonder Thai people are so poor". No offence to any Thai ppl.

look! look! my name as a product brand? wakkakakakak it actually means something but i couldn't remember wut it is hahahaha omg! *hiks~

this sarawak guy definately attract a crowd. so hard to get a shot of him

Seriously, I gotta say, the place where we went is huge! HUMONGOUS!!! Malaysia booths are at the far right. OMG! It's so big! I could recall my dad was telling me that there's 3000 booths all around. OMG! Say wut?! So many!

it's so easy to take photo when there's less people around. cambodia booths.

Most of the booths have this kind of setting.

silvers anyone? things to expect from this fair. should have bought those bangles >_<" lots and lots of silk scarves

Participating countries are Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Bhutan, China, Indonesia, Korea and etc. Dad's staff was handling the booth for few days. We juz dropped some boxes there and started to walk around. It's seriously tiring and a lot of wonderful interesting stuff. I want a lot of stuff but since my money is limited. I only manage to get some *sigh >_<" The first thing I got was a hat from the Laos booth. The hat was made from herbs. And we learned some language (in Laos that is).

Kop Cai Lai Lai - Thank you ver much

Chao Sa Bai Di Bo - How are you?

Sa Bai Di - Hello

these are so cute!!! very creative. "tempurung kelapa" tu *points points

We (me and Lyne) was separated from dad and my brother. Thank gawd for Digi roaming. I manage to sms my brother (which cost RM2 per sms?) and told him to meet us at the fewd court. I bought a sling bag and some keychains. Took some photos around the booth also. Some of the people dun allow us to take any photo at their booth. I don't know why. >_<"
this is eastin lakeside hotel. not eastin bangkok >_<" *hiks
Took a taxi on the way back. The taxi driver took us to the wrong Eastin Hotel. There's actually a hotel called "Eastin Lakeside Hotel". WOT?! Lucky we got the address for Eastin Bangkok. Surprisingly, taxi fare for the way back is only 165 baht with additional 50 baht for toll >_<" see how much difference from the earlier fare? We reached hotel at around 5pm, so dad told us to rest and will go out at 7pm.
chicken in a basket and some fries *nyum ^_^

We didn't had lunch earlier and we were hungry. We call in for room service. Had chicken in a basket which cost 210 baht. It's nice. Either it's really nice or we're definately hungry? At 7pm, we left to First Hotel area (i dunno wut's that place called) to look for some stuff. On the way there, we passed through "Pratunam Night Market". Wow, lotsa stuff there. Taxi fare was 100 baht (kana tipu again >_<"). The place where we wanted to go mostly are closed.

IT mall. ground floor

We walked to the IT mall and most of the shops are closed. Hmm, I forgot wut time we were there. Brought fried grasshopper, everyone got to try and eat it. Taste salty. Hmm it doesn't taste like ewww. I guess it's the way people think?

a short video i took of bangkok traffic

I guess everyone was hungry (but me), so we went to the Iranian Restaurant near the hotel. This is the 2nd time we went there. I decided to share with my sis.

the amount of rice i had

fish! fish fish fish ♥_♥

Rice and fish. Fish taste gewd. Not fond of the rice though. My dad had the same meal set as us and my bro had beef curry. We had to wait a bit coz there's only 1 person doing all the serving. More like 1 person handling all the work. She's the cook, the one taking orders, the waitress and the cashier. Eventhough the place is small, I noticed quite a number of people coming in and out of the shop. Dinner cost around 650 baht. Wow, must be my lucky day! Dad gave each of us 1000 baht. Weeeeeeee

We went back to the hotel at around 10pm. By that time, most of the shops are closed already. Took a taxi on the way back, guess how much it cost? 37 baht only. >_<" *pftttttt ripped twice! OMG! Noted: It's my parents wedding anniversary today. We went to Luna Rossa for dinner. I posted some photos and some details here.

Meanwhile, I'm gonna help my mum clean the fridge *hiks~


  1. They dont have issues with AP License, that's best explain why you can see lots of Toyota and Honda's car around town as a public transportation.

    In Taiwan, Mitsubishi EVO series (4 and below) are the common cars.

    In Singapore, Subaru Impreza WRX STi is their police patrol car.

    Malaysia, we got shit national car sold at higher price.

  2. Hey Massy!

    The food looks good! And it takes forever to load the video...

    And I don't really know how to pronounce Thai properly (even when you have those words), haha!

    Happy New Year!

    Cheers, Hui Wen

  3. *rofl..hahahha yeah we juz simply pronounce it sometimes hahahha *rofl

    Happy New Year to you too! :)

  4. wah....kk got mercedez and bmw as cab wat hehe..

  5. EH, how's your expenses there? I mean, in terms of purchasing power?

    Because baht currency is nosediving now, and they worked very hard to keep all the baht in their country.
