
Friday, May 04, 2007

Life Progress: Shopping & Dinner

This is mimi. Minta puji! She's like that coz she like to get all the TLC from my sis. And coz my sis calls her baby instead of me being the bad person for scolding her at times coz she like to make a mess in my room, scratch my leg, bite my toe when I was sleeping, tear my papers into shreds. She's the crazy one. Compared to her sister, the flabby one XD

I couldn't mapuru at work yesterday. That is so sad. Seriously! Something about screen size. I have no idea how to fix it.

It was raining. Brr~ so cold. Felt like sleeping ZzzZZZzz

I handed my proposal to my supervisor oledi. Hope we can get the new web host and domain name soon.

i dun haf a lot of shoes for work and erm most of em died T_T (broke in 2 or maybe totally can't be saved)

After work, went to pick my sis up from work, head off to Wawasan Plaza for Parkson. Yeap, my sis told me got sale since a week ago. My sis bought 2 new shoes! omg. Greedy! I bought 1 hehe. It was on sale btw. Wanted to get this BUM khakis pants but the size ^^; too big for me. And it'll be like my Giordano pants if I decided to get it. Bought a new seamless bra XD super nice. Bought my mum's migraine pills for RM7 and bought er some liquid thinggie for my dad which cost around RM38 *cough.

At around before 8pm, I was hungry, wuah they close so early one? Went to food court also closed. T_T super hungry. Couldn't find place to eat around there. Drove to Centre Point instead. Went to Japanese Dreamfood. Hehe. Nice. I had Nizakana set meal and my sis had the Senior set meal.

*cough fovourite. hehe this is funny

the fish fillet T_T not funny. seriously not fun and funny. the senior set haf one too only it's chicken XD

fried bean curd - part of senior set

miso soup XD

chawanmushi - included with senior set which cost RM18

Erm, very dissapointed with my set meal coz it's like fish fillet instead of the actual fish T_T and it's a bit hard to eat compared to the actual fish! T_T

Last but not least went to FOS and bought this shirt *cough.

Reach home before 10pm. Start mapuru till 11 something. Showered and went to bed before 1am. XD

I'm super sleepy now.

Oh btw, I thought of going to Usagi at Karamunsing, but dun think it's open yet? Hmm guess I was wrong. Look! here. T_T


  1. mmmmm... bra.

    when r u gonna show me?

  2. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Eh Mas, I didn't know you were into girly shoes. :P Thought you'd dress up differently, judging from your photos. :D

    Ooohh.. lots of food photos again. OMG Japanese food! I can't live without Japanese food at least once a month. :D

  3. rumil: getek oh ko kan hahahahahahahahha

    cin: kakakak those shoes are for work...and yes i only wear em shoes to work nyahahah XD sampai worn out bah...astaga...bulih kira tu... XD

    once a month cin? punya siok!!!! mine hmm every now and then jak...

  4. Factory Outlet Store!

    That place has a variety of cheap clothes which I like! I mean the quality's not bad at all, and they're all affordable. I bought two tops from there for RM 19.90 each, 2 months ++ ago.

  5. XD oh they still haf those..only 2 top for RM22.90 *hiks XD
