
Saturday, May 05, 2007

Lunch Outing and Sabah Fest 2007

My fren, Amy had booked me early for lunch on Friday. Yes, I have to be booked coz I tend to bring along my "tapau" or I'll be getting brunch early from somewhere near. My lunch break is at 11:30am and hers was at around 12 noon. It's a bright sunny day. Yes, very bright and very sunny means very hot. The traffic was kinda bad. Amy couldn't get parking around my area. We had to go somewhere. It's terrible to drive a manual car at this hour. SERIOUSLY! Luckily I'm not the one driving :D (Amy I feel ur pain!).

Anyways, we went around here and there for parking and finally decided to get lunch at Jesselton Point. Didn't know if it opens around noon or not coz I only been there at nite? Jesselton Point. If u're into Futsal? This is the place for u to play Futsal. *cough. I dun play. So, never been inside XD

this is jesselton point's main entrance. sibuk la tu tukang sapu. sana urang mo amik gambar sana jua dia mo berdiri hehe XD

The parking was very far. Amy was parking at the loading area, which we didn't know till this security lady came and told us that we can't park there. T_T but it's near! Woo. So cruel. So, we had to park at the parking area which cost RM1 per hour. *pfttt. It's hot and we had to walk *cough. Some shops aren't open yet. So, we went to this place called er, omg! I forgot the shop name! omg omg omg! T_T sorry. Anyways, it's the shop next to the bar thinggie? Anyone know?

remember amy? oh, i'm gonna take time to get use to the straight hair now XD

nasi semalam

rice with chicken mushroom

close up

I ordered Nasi Semalam (Yesterday's Rice?) which cost around RM5 and Amy ordered Rice + Chicken Mushroom which cost around RM5 also? I think. We had to order drinks from other shops coz they dun haf the drinks yet? But they have it in their menu. Aduinah~ Drinks cost RM1.80 each.

The fewd was ogie. I thought they gonna use sambal instead of chili sauce? Amy, how's ur fewd ah? Looks nice oh. I didn't get to taste it! T_T

After lunch, we start our photo shooting session.

i must get a shot of the roof kinda thing

this part is still close

i think u can get boat rides from here to the island? scuba diving anyone? this is part of ur view there XD

london style phone booth?

Not enuff time to shoot, coz I gotta get back to office before 2pm. Well I maybe can go back at around 3pm. We left there and to our horror, bad traffic, it's still there. So instead of going back to office, Amy drove us to Sabah Fest 2007 at Magellan Sutera Harbour XD

Our photo hunting session has begun! XD

main entrace

direction map and some information

bamboo surrounding the mini paddy field

scarecrow but no crow kekekkek


what is wakid? here's a description

here's the actual giant wakid. i know! i should stand rite next to it rite?

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think there's around 27 booth there. There maybe more? I dunno, I forgot to count it one by one? Anyways from the broucher I took, listed 27. This includes, Sabah Tourism Board, Kraftangan Malaysia, Sabah Artists, Local Food, Sabah Chocolate, Sabah Tea, Sabah Tenom Coffee, Jari-Jari, Ka'andaman, Six Senses, Hand painted batik, Seraung Headgear, Kain Tinohian, Parang, Serdang Handicrafts, Musical Instruments, Lepa-Lepa, Rinago Handicrafts, Ethnic Accessories, Pandan Handicrafts, Kain Linangkit, Kain Mugah, Gambus, Kain Dastar, Rattan Handicrafts, Kain Rinugading, Tipo Serisir and Bamboo Handicrafts.

I didn't get to take some of the booths photo coz it started to get crowded and some shots I took were blur. Sorry T_T

Which bring us to wut I took that day.

Kain Tinohian

This particular piece is richly embroidered by the Rungus Women of Kudat.

the making process. can u imagine how many days this will take?

this particular piece cost RM750.00. beautiful and expensive XD


The Bajau people of Kota Belud are known for their skilled craftsmanship in producing the Parang.

the medium sized one cost RM80

Rinago Handicrafts

These woven handicrafts are made by the Rungus people of Kudat.

Items showcased by Kraftangan Malaysia



Lepa-Lepa souvenirs are the trademark of the Bajau people of Semporna. More about Lepa-Lepa, here.

sorry for the blurry out of focus shot. this man was carving a lepa on spot XD interesting

Kain Linangkit

This is one of the many beautiful tapestries made by the Rungus people fro the district of Kudat.

Kain Mugah / Kain Dastar

I dunno which one is this. Both are handwoven and made by Iranun people of Kota Belud.

Seraung Headgear

These conical hats called Seraung are made by the Kadazandusun people of Kota Belud.

Musical Instruments

Sompoton is one of the musical instruments that are specially handicrafted by the Kadazandusun people of Tambunan.


This pear-shaped musical instrument is from Melayu Brunei people of Bongawan.

human sized gambus! so big XD


Hand painted batik by the creative team of Sabah Batik.

these are "tajau" to ferment "tapai", yes rice wine

Six Senses: nail and skin therapeutic house

I think this booth is the most interesting booth of all *cough. Yes, Amy said so too *cough. The setting is so nice. U'll be wanting to go in and snap all the way XD

Located at Kolam Centre, Hilltop Luyang. Treatment available: Hot Stone Therapy, Hand and Foot Care, Facial Treatment and etc.

Artwork by Sabah Artists, courtesy of Sabah ArtGallery.

before going back to office. lotsa people, had to crop it off XD

It's fun for me! XD It's super fun especially when it's empty coz u get great angles with less ppl bugging ur way. Then ppl start pouring in. Yes, more ppl came. Students from er was it Tsung Tsin? And er some others I'm not sure from where, I think dancers or oh, Amy told me something about ppl lining up at the stairs to greet ppl at nite for the Grand Launching at 7pm? Yeap. I think so. Yes, I know I'm lack of info T_T my bad~.

Anyways, actually there's more photos but I think these are enuff. Took me whole day to finish this T_T I'll be waiting for amy's blog post and photos XD

Gawd, I know my hair is darn messy. I seriously need to cut it. NO! I haven't cut my hair yet.

And guess wut time I reach office? 4pm hahahahahah XD

But it was a fun day! Super fun day but a bit rushing that's all. I got like over 100 shots for today. XD I'm super happy. Though I'm not happy with some of the shots. Blur and ahh bad lighting T_T

That's the end of yesterday~ Have fun reading it! XD


  1. Anonymous10:38 PM

    very nice. i hope to visit it when i get back (soon)!!! do you know when the fest ends? do they sell stuff there? or may be it's better to buy from their outlets?? so many questions!! sorry ...

  2. anonymous: actually it's a 2 day event. 3rd and 4th of may. i think they haf this every year? yes they sell stuff there. i notice the tenom coffee cheaper a bit than supermarket price. hmmm..i think they got sell somewhere oso..but dunno where. maybe can check at sabah tourism website? XD

  3. Anonymous7:44 AM

    thanx. awww .. i can't make it then! i'll look around when i get there in late May/June ..

  4. anonymous: aight XD

  5. Hmmm... looks like this is really in line with Visit Malaysia Year 2007, haha!

    Love the mini documentary presented here- culture in a nutshell... And yeah, the last time I went to Sabah for a camp, I bought a mini Sompoton keychain. I don't know where did it go after all these years, but I'm looking forward to buy another one once I land my feet in Sabah.

    I look forward to the day I go to Sabah for a week with my friends, and if fate's on our side, we'll meet up, alright?

    Cheers, Hui Wen

  6. huiwen: heheheh yeap...

    it's super fun XD and yes it's for visit malaysia 2007 XD

  7. Mas, I want. The batik, the embroidery and the wakid. I'm sure it'll be a good place to hide from people. ^_^

  8. Anonymous2:20 AM

    I like that red phone booth, really reminds me of London! :D Wow, it's 2AM right now and I'm looking at the food photos again. *Hungry* :P

  9. acom: the big wakid is kewl rite? gahhh the embroidery are so expensive...^^;

    cin: i know u love the fewd photos..i mean the fewd er...i know! i took the phone booth like the last time i went there but too dark...and my night shots sucks

    syura: eh? u not coming back? or haf come back?

  10. Anonymous7:12 AM

    er, may i use your picture for my paper work?
    it is congkak picture.
    may i?

  11. sure, juz credit it back to me. thanks

  12. This unique traditional Sabah people are beautiful ....

  13. This unique traditional people of Sabah ....
