
Friday, August 31, 2007

On Merdeka Day

What did I do? Basically nothing or maybe a lil something something? Hmmm, *thinks.

I was mapuring last nite, no exceptional for tonite.

I woke up at around 10am, well more like my mum woke me up for brunch. Yeah "juz the two of us". We went to Giant Kolombong. I had fishball noodle soup.

Oh how I miss eating this. I wish I could have more *cough. Did lil shopping too. Mum told me not to get junk fewd. *regret. I suffer without it omg~ I know I shouldn't take it. Omg~ one of my mimi, another mimi is in heat O.O omg~ she's making a lot of noise -_-"

Came back around 1pm. Guess wut happened? The, wait wut do you call those? Power socket? In the kitchen, blow. I mean causes lil explosion till there's no electricity at all. *sigh. I heard there's some minor explosion coming from the electric pole too? O.O omg scary. Mum called SESB and complained about it. Somebody came and checked it for us. Here's a shot of it.

I took this on the way home. Remember how was it before? (If you dunno wut I'm talking about, click here) Look at it now -_-"

still got em pool..anybody wanna swim? *cough

When the electricity is finally back on, I went to vacuum my room, clean the toilet and clean mimis! SHOWER TIME FOR THEM!!! mwahahhaha *evil grins~ Now mimi can't stop biting the plastic omg~

Some other shots I took .

Btw, I got my hands on Eisley's new album and Kate Havnevik's album yesh! XD I lurve. But I lurve Kate more mwahahhaha XD


  1. my sis punya cat,chell also on heat!bising bising in the house but mind you , if you scold her kan for being bising, she come and bite ur leg the ran away..silaka!hehe

  2. wuah heat season ka?

    oh nasib my cat dun bite..she throw herself on the our leg XD

  3. Anonymous5:37 AM

    well, at least you've a stunning view of the Great Lakes ....

  4. anonymous: hahahah very funny...

  5. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Excuse me sir, the Eisley album you got, is it Eisley: Combination? Where did you get it?

  6. yeap..the new combination album..i got..but i dun remember from where i dl it...*scratch head..u want it? i could send it to u?

  7. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Ahh I see, thanks for helping sir but I'll pass your offer. Thanks a lot sir, Zeus is happy to have you as one of his Champions

  8. hahahahahha..alrighty then
