
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

After the break~

Having additional day to the weekend is fun but also bad. Why? Coz I end up not sleeping at all. Well maybe a bit too much sleep. Even yesterday, I slept at 5:20am and woke up around noon with dizziness @_@ Wut was mas doing? Mapuring nyahahaha! Yeah, hence the lack of visit to everyone's blog. Gomene minna~ T_T I promise I'll visit today! Well actually I did.

I wanna complain! PapaJoneh's and Cindy's blog (forever tulip tu) inda bulih masuk uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa T_T

Lack of sleep, hence hyperness.

Oh, and I spent a lot of time at the forum oso XD hehe.

Meanwhile, lemme go do something useless again weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Current thought: Save money for DSLR or get the NDSL *cough..ohhh the temptation!!! -_- save me~


  1. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Ya. Geram sia! I checked my blog at 12 midnight. Offline. Checked at 6AM lagi. Still down. Wah.. panas sia!!!

    I sent a very long complain letter to my host odi. This morning, the host keep calling me sudah. Grrrrrrrr!

  2. wuah...punya teruk! server down berabis ah?

  3. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Ya la.. maybe la. PapaJoneh lagi kesian, until now masih down lagi blognya. :(

  4. masi down lagi... mau pengsan sudah.. webmaster sia si Azmeen. Nothing much can do, the technical guy in the US yang got problem. :(
    terpaksalah update long forgotten blogspot sia. kesian. abru berapa posting... suport support.

  5. adei..oh bah temporary shift pg blogspot papa la ni XD
