
Sunday, September 16, 2007

Friend's Wedding Reception

I was suppose to post this on the day itself but I was too lazy. Photoshop making me lazy. It's making my compy super lag, that's why.

I'm currently using my previous hddisk. Wooh~ lucky didn't format dat yet. Way faster. Wut could be the problem? Hmm, I'll stick to this for a while.

So the story, the bride is my 2nd sis ex-classmate during high school. Best friend also. And she's our neighbour (during our days staying at Putatan). The bride and groom meet in KL. They've been together since 1999 *cough.

Our location is Ocean Seafood Village. Located in between Promenade Hotel and Wawasan Plaza. Talking about strategic table sitting huh?

Decorations. So cute XD

Table setting XD

While waiting for other guest to arrive, we get to see, photo slides.

And our MC for tonite, *drum rolls, my sis ^^;

The dummy cake *cough

The opening, the bride in-law sang with the bride's and groom walk down the stage to their table.

Since there's this one guy was snapping photos for each table, we asked him to take photo XD


Deluxe Four Season Combination

Shark's Fin Soup with Chicken Meat

Steam Red Snapper with Nyonya Sauce

Twin Style of Prawns (butter prawn and garlic *drools)

Crispy Chicken

Braised Sea Cucumber with Mushroom and Brocolli

Steam Rice with Lotus Leaf

Sweet Lotus with Longan Pak Hup

Thanks to everyone sitting at my table for being so sporting XD

In between meals, got singing and dance performance, couldn't snap everything u know. I'm hungry too mar. Probably around 5 dance performance by BodyCare and a lot of singing. Lost count XD

one of the bride's friend who came all the way from KL

the kid who demanded for his mic. *cough. his younger brother and his dad sang dat nite also

dance to macalena? macarena song

Belly Dancing? She's standing rite in front of my table. Easy to shoot. Compared to the other 3

There's other photo too but too lazy to edit XD

They wanna sing too. Oh the boy is the bride's nephew. XD The girl hmm related too I think. Blur on that part.

You get to bring back some chocolates.

Group photo XD

Note: sorry no kissing shots coz there's a kid blocked my view with his balloon -_-"


  1. Waaaaaaaaah!!!! The cake punya cantiiiiikk!!!!!

    And the food. *drool*

    Bah Massy bila kita mau beli ni? Hu hu. I also want a D40X! Sama ja kita punya camera ni semua tau he he he.
    But I wanna get second hand DSLR lah.

  2. Wow...This is my first time to see an wedding event in Ocean seafood Village.. Baru ma but not bad very fairy taleish.. But why no gambar for the couple ..hehe wanna see ma..

  3. acom: dummy cake sija tu...inda bulih makan punya -_- omg! i wan! woo but so ex...kumpul duit..uh uh..u're gonna browse rite? uh uh XD

    george: er, ada but the last shot group shot la...other shot is with their parents, but jauh oh, T_T then got ppl blocking woo~ tu walking down from the stage tu XD if potret shots indada oh...nanti i minta her...then scan mwahhaha *ebil grins~

  4. yummy food!

    *I think the idea of getting a belly dancer to perform at your wedding ceremony is a great idea to stimulate a greater and better imagination of the bride. :p

  5. O.O wooh~ saiful got idea to do belly dancing at dinner omg~ kakakaka XD

  6. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Love the dummy cake. If only that was real. Woohoo!

    PS: Saiful, wanna learn belly dance? :P

  7. cin: yeah, my mum said not for makan one T_T isk~

    lol saiful belly dance *cough cough :-X

  8. I see food! Woohoo! Haha, the decorations gave a fairytale-like air to the wedding dinner, I guess... =)

  9. Anonymous11:12 AM

    err...i like the decorations...makes me fantasize deep into unicorn somemore (or jst horse that?)...nice :)

  10. huiwen yeah..i was surprised when i reach there...the decorations are great..

    carolchs:'s a unicorn XD so cute XD

  11. so best... wedding got alot of entertainment! how was the food??? I always end up wanting to know about the food..

  12. the fewd was ogie...shark fin doesn't mix with chicken though *cough XD

    but everything was fine.
