
Sunday, November 04, 2007

How life been for me...

Remember the post about the "mimi bag"? I actually went to Hikosen Cara at Kompleks Asia City last Friday to check it out myself. It's consider as my first time there. There's another branch shop at City Mall if I'm not mistaken. So, I saw tons of kewl stuff there. Kewl and cute to be exact. Cats design are juz irresistible. Dun u guys think? So I bought myself this. I got 10% off the original price. Well the price consider ogie la since I can fit everything inside it. Everything I mean my camera, ndsl, handphone and purse. Hehe. Check out some other stuff that my bro and his gf bought from Hikosen Cara.

Seriously I really think that I spent too much this month. I'm outta control!!!! Noiii~~~

Well since I also bought a new top on the same day. And had maggie for dinner. Bagus!

The plan on Saturday was to wake up early, like 7am to Sport Complex to jog. Well I did, woke up at before 7am and woke my sis up. But guess wut she said? "It looks like it's gonna rain". *speechless... So, we didn't go jogging on Saturday *hiks~ But we went to Giant Kolombong for brunch.

As usual, I had fishball noodle soup. I know I know, it's so hard for me to change to anything else. Heheh.

And my sis had, kon lou mee with beef. Wuah punya sedap ni kon lou mee. I want oh.

Tapau-ed fried tang hoon for my brother and sis. Actually I think the fried tang hoon was not dat gewd. The way they cooked it is juz terrible ^^;;;

Was playing PW2 again till 3:30pm, went off again. We're suppose to meet some ppl at Likas Court but it was postponed till 5pm. So, we went to Toybox at Damai instead. Well went there to collect my scooter pinky. TADA!!!

Cute or not? Cute rite? XD Well it's really gewd bargain! XD toyboy owez give gewd price. Go shop at toybox XD free promotion! And after that, well since it's too early for us to go to our next destination, we drop by Yoyo Cafe and bought ourselves.

jasmine milky tea for me

and snowice love fruit for my sis

But guess we were having problem to describe the taste of this love fruit thing XD Coz it taste kinda sourly sweet. Weird but nice. It's still kinda early but we went to Likas Court early.

The visitor parking is a bit creepy for me. So, there we are, waiting near the pool. I took some shots of my sis but am not gonna post it here. Anyways, the main reason we went there was to show "potential buyer" an apartment *rofl. Helping a fren to sell this apartment.

Location: Likas Court, Block 4, Phase 3, Stage 1, Lot No. 02-39 (Unit 3-1-39), 1st Floor, Mile 2 ½ Jalan Tuaran, 88300 Kota Kinabalu.

Corner unit, hill facing, quiet & secluded, walk-up one floor.

Floor Area: 1060 sq. ft.

Monthly maintenance fee: RM160 per month.

Selling Price: RM225,000.00

Built-in furniture & fittings:
  • Kitchen Cabinets with Cooker & Hood
  • Dining Display Cabinet
  • Master Bedroom wardrobe
  • Bedroom 1 Study Table & Shelves
  • Guest Room wardrobe
  • 3nos. Split unit air-cond Master bedroom, Bedroom 1 & Living Room
  • Curtains (Master Bedroom, Bedroom 1, Guest Room, Living & Kitchen)

Facilities: Swimming Pool, Sauna, Gym, Tennis Court, BBQ Pit, & Covered Parking

More info, please click here. Need more info, reply to this post or that thread I linked. TQ XD

We went home right after.

My parents came back from their trip last nite and we went to dad's fren's house for raya open house right after. We were totally rushing. Well actually we were to blame coz we wanted the stuff my parents got for us first before we get ready *rofl. Like kids asking for toys XD *rofl so funny.

Before that, I'm gonna show some photos taken at Uncle Mad's house. hehe. It's like a celebration for something. But I'm not gonna tell u guys wut that thing is XD

the chicken is really great. I lurve. Opps I forgot to get a shot of the tasty meehoon

kacang kuda. eventhough overcooked a bit, it's still gewd! seriously!

before leaving, a group photo is a must! XD massy's rule XD

Ogie, so here's the stuff my parents got for me. I think it's funny when my mum still applies the individual color preference thinggie. *rofl. Like my eldest sis would be pink/red, 2nd sis would be green and I would haf blue XD so funny~

pendant. mas likey~ XD

i actually took an aqua color one but my sis had this look, i got the red one instead

watchie. actually i nearly took a white one. but er, i gave it to my sis oso XD see i'm such a nice person *cough cough

my mum knows my style XD i like em not too big not too small XD juz nice *rofl~

Last but not least, shades. I seriously would need contact lenses for this. *rofl~

How do I look? O.O XD

Note: Please ignore the hair, the nose, the oily face and the messy background tq XD

Enjoy! XD


  1. shemah: weeeeeeeeee thank yew thank yew XD hehehe..cute kan the cat bag..menggila se pg sana tinguk~ but $$ duitku makin berkurang T_T woo~ siok oh, if wanna shop for branded stuff go cambodia!!! XD

  2. Anonymous4:25 PM

    The shades looks so nice..tell mum I want one too!! huhuhu come to think of it the bag also nice laaah...I want also!! aku naaaaak!!

  3. *rofl...wokeh later i'll tell my mum *rofl XD

    mum crita, menggila tinguk barang di cambodia XD

  4. massy! love the cat bag, the purse, the watch, the other bag, the bracelet, the pendant, the shades and all the food!! wuahhh... you lucky gal!!

    also, you look "smashing" in them shades! :D weeheeee..

  5. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Wow, memang sungguh bergaya Mas dengan sunnies itu! :D So many stuff. wahhh.. jealous sia!!!

  6. cin: kekekeke XD thank yew thank yew..*kambang XD

  7. darn that kon lau is making me hungry!! and i sooo love the red purse!! is it a purse? cantik!!

  8. laparrrrrr..laparrrrrrr hhehhe...

  9. syura: yeah the kon lou sedap oh..macam i wanna go and eat XD yes yes, it's a purse. mum bought like 5 i think... XD but i pick red instead coz sis wanted the aqua one XD

    zaini: astaga..ko blum makan ka?

  10. wah! kk's apartment/condo's price not cheap~ah... but Likas Court looks nice!


  11. penman: yeap yeap...nice oh XD

  12. seriously... KK's property value is extremely crazy for condo! it's almost more expensive than KL/PJ...

    I didn't believe it, til my fren shared and now your posting here.


    anyway, Likas court memang chun!

  13. *lol..everything naik harga haihs~ sedey oh se

  14. Anonymous8:56 PM

    That RADO, I like a lot!

  15. XD i likey too...i'm still storing it..hmm..can't seem to put it on yet..
