
Thursday, January 10, 2008

It's a long

I'm dead tired now, but I'm in a very gewd mood, so I'm gonna blog first then only go shower.

a shot of me by chucky

Started the day with a photo outing with Flanegan and Chucky at Bandaran. Suggested by Flan actually, check the thread here.I think it's educational and fun. Yes, well excluding my blur expression every now and then. And of coz the camera *cough difference *cough cough. No, I dun haf a pro cam yet *cries.

I shall post up some photos here

WARNING!!! DO NOT CLICK THIS PHOTO IF YOU'RE EATING. I won't be hold responsible if you vomit blood. ^^;;

Here's a shot of a dead rat omg ewww! click me.

I'm gonna put it on link coz scared some ppl might be scared of spiders.

So, this shot here is from the photo outing, click me.

And this shot here is from home ^^;, click me.

Btw, for more street/urban photos from the photo outing, click here.

I'm too tired now. Maybe I'll upload some other shots later.

Was there since 9am (*urk I was a bit late) till 11am (*roughly). I went home directly afterwards. I reached home around 11 something ish. Showered, ate lunch and went off to Toybox, Damai for NDS Gathering.

itu "scarlett" minta puji tu di tengah

not enuff chair, some had to stand XD but still it was fun! XD

There were 7 NDS user. Myself, Shadow, cubex, doridori, kanariya, toybox, and BakaNeko. And other CSP member who were there includes, diasrandford, MasterMune, dxtremex and rob-jr.

We played a lot rounds of Mario Kart DS. OMG! We were loud. Seriously!!! We were there since 12 something till 4pm. ^^;; imagine that. Well, it didn't end juz there, we went to Yoyo after that, and played a 4 player game of Puyo Pop Fever and Namco Museum. OMG! It was seriously fun! XD

After yoyo, followed the other 6 guys to cyber cafe. They wanted to play CS. But the cc dun have that game. So they played Call for Duty 4 instead. It was 3 vs 3. They were loud and it was funny. I didn't wanna play coz it's too confusing for me and I'll expect headache after that. NO thank yew! XD

We got off maybe around 7pm. Went to dinner. Thought of having dinner at Rafflesia Chicken Hut but it was closed due to renovation? *blur I think la. So, we went to KFC Foh Sang instead. But guess wut? It rained and I barely can see the lines on the road. And it was dark and the lights are like *sigh. Yes, I can't see clearly at nite *sigh >_<" me hate me eyes! Anyways, yes, I lost my way, called my brother but can't reach, so called his gf instead. THANK GAWD! He came and "pick" me up and guide me to the place ^^;;

Went home after 8pm. Yes, I haven't shower yet. Urgh I'm so tired. I decided to blog directly before I forget everything. I should blog directly since my brain is pretty much active rite now. And resize all the photo XD

Overall it was a fun exciting day! XD

Thank gawd I took holiday for tomolo. If not I'll be cranky XD kekekeke

Happy reading!


  1. pen pen..hui lai we nds! XD

  2. no wonder i feel weird.. someone mocking my NDS la pula

  3. those cool photos reminds me of my lost camera. huhuhuhuhu

  4. I wanna play..sob* sob*

  5. dori: *cough hahahaha it wasn't me XD

    dazeree: omg! u lost ur camera? T_T

    sir george: woi..lai MKDS! XD

  6. Sioknya. I want. :( But I'm all the way here. *SOB*

  7. nice one.. it seems that flanegan give a tips or two to you all yeah. lucky you.

    ps - i see that you have the talents in photography. keep up the good work!

  8. jefferi: yeah, flan did..@_@ i'm still trying to get it. coz i tend to get distracted with nature XD anyways, thanks, still need lots of stuff to learn ^^;;
