
Monday, January 14, 2008

TDD Meeting + ArtJam + NDSL Session

I'm sorry for the delay. I've been tired and lazy at the same time *rofl.

I was late for the meeting so, dun really know wut it's all about.

Some drawings from ArtJam.

this is done by clerence. check his other artworks here (well his and choco's artwork)

something from rob-jr

astaga who made kobyakawa cry?

look at shadow, concentrate tu playing game XD

Anyways, I missed on the MTG (Magic the Gathering) session also, coz I was bz playing NDSL. Though I got shots of cards.

And finally, group photos. Well thanks to the Kopicat staff for helping to take this. XD And sorry to the other ppl who missed out on the group photo. It usually comes in the end of the day ^^;;

Last but not least, wut IRT doing? O.O And choco, r u enjoying ur view? ^^;;

Anyways, that's pretty much it! XD Till the next gathering. CSP FTW!


  1. Wahai rakanku Mas,

    Saya sangat iri hati melihat gambar-gambar anda bersama rakan-rakan yang lain. Anda tidak berperi kemanusiaan kerana memperlihatkan semua itu di sini. Akan tetapi, saya masih menyayangi mu. :) *MUAX*

  2. acom *rofl XD sabar ko com sabar XD
