
Sunday, March 23, 2008

A celebration for tentacle-ism~

First of all, I would like to wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JULIAN/LEE HNG/SOTONG/REMPITMAN/UNCLE GOLDFISH. Today is ur day! XD

Next, lemme start my post with WoD - Dancing Shadows. If you remember my previous WoD (World of Darkness) session (1st session, 2nd session, 3rd session). The previous campaign was about "The Room", current campaign is about ninjas. But the most frustrating moment for me is and will owez be character generation =_=" Thanks to everyone who comfort me. Anyways, there's only 6 players in this campaign, which is, myself, 540, diasrandford, whytespider, Pharell and jnalye86.

We haven't started this one yet. Maybe next week. I wan my twin (540) to be with me. Didn't get any shots for this session. Sorry @_@

I was at Mindslaver, KAC since after 1pm till midnite last nite. Why? Becoz of this!

A surprise birthday party by fara/bobidom.

Previous theme: LONG LIVE REMPITMAN!

Some of the ppl who came to the party.

impy, ami3, me and zero

We had fried mee, pizza, drinks and "Chocolate Indulgence" from Secret Recipe @_@

mars: "lets poke the candle" XD

i cakie ur face~ XD anyways, it's worth to wait for a gewd shot XD

see, even the cat oso wanna join us

fellow CSPians

The part about this whole thing is, I hate my camera at one point, coz the loading takes too long during nite time T_T *sigh.

Anyways, happy birthday again rempitman.

Check out some photos from my facebook, fara's blog (the above link) and vids from impy at the forum. Thanks

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN UNCLE GOLDFISH! *mmg split personality ni urang *paning~

Sorry, I got penyakit amalas lately~


  1. Iih siok oh. :( Anybody's birthday in June? :D

  2. june?

    pen pen come back in june!!! yay!

    irene's b'day in june! XD

  3. Anonymous4:06 PM

    T.T thank you guys... i very "gantung" wuuuwuuuuwuuuuu~~~

  4. omigosh..*pat pat...stop using "gantung" it's bad for me brain! >.<

  5. Anonymous4:53 PM

    aduinah...kesiannya your fren yg nama sotong(?) LOL! ok whatever his name is.

  6. he got lotsa names XD

  7. i saw the cat when we were abt to go back..dia duduuuk sija sana diam2 this?? Keciansss sanssss!!

  8. amie: no worries, sukup makan tu XD *kasi senang ati
