
Monday, April 07, 2008

How's Your Sunday?

I was planning to have a long lazy Sunday when Amy, smsed me the nite before and asked if I wanna go to Bridal Fair at STAR. I wanted to go but I dun wanna go. U get wut I mean? I'm in the lazy zone now. Thank gawd I did. Thanks to Panja XD

But guess wut, with all that smsing with Amy, I was unsure wut time we should meet at STAR. So, I was a bit laggy on getting ready. And since I asked my sis to come along, I had to wait for her to come back from Gaya Street. Yes I was craving for Laksa that morning, and guess wut? My parents bought Laksa for lunch weeeeeeeeeeeeee. They're psychic! XD hehe. They even bought me mint flavoured cotton candy!!! Weeeeeeeeeee XD

I went off from home at around 12:30 noon with my sis and meet Amy at STAR. I was late obviously. *sweat. The idea is to walk around get contacts and go home XD But, it was way too interesting to leave. We end up leaving the place at 3:30pm.

I feel lucky. Why? Coz I get the opportunity to meet Louis Pang and learned some tips XD Yay! LUCKY! I was feeling the wedding photos, the moment *speechless. And I'm inspired! XD

I took some shots when I was there, with my handy dandy camera of coz weeeee~

Six (6) of the models showcasing the wedding gown. Hair and make up by iroiro cosmetic gallery.

And the winner is? (*kidding, this is like my personal fav dress ah), well I think the other one also looks nice but when she turn, saw something I dun like. Simplicity is the best ah! XD

Ahhh yes, after the runway walk *cough cough was a talk by non other than, Louis Pang. The music definitely add some feel effect. *chuckles.

And proof that I was there hehe (photoshop-ed it to B&W coz the color version looks hmm weird).

Some of the decorations. There were ice sculptures too but didn't get any shot of it *cries. *thumbs for the decorations. Absolutely beautiful!

Impy msged me about "Society For Prevention of Cruelty To Animals (SPCA)" booth at Centre Point. I wanted to go, I seriously do *cries, but I can't, coz I haf to meet CSPians at CarcaSean, Citymall coz I was late by 1 and half hour @_@ urk~ Instead, check JACQ's blog post instead, here.

So, I was there at Citymall and IRT gave me presento! mwahhahaha!

I got a pinano (piano) and a phone with a desk mwahahhaha! I so love it. Thankie!

those blue carcasonne miniatures are not included XD

Had an early dinner at the food court coz my sis was hungry. Had nasi lalap. I had a game of Blokus (I lost) with Amy and Carcasonne with everyon else, darn it! I nearly win, by 3 points. Lost to acing hmph~

We left at around 6pm. I think.

Group photo at CarcaSean.

I had to send my sis home coz she dun wanna join us for COD4 at Damai. I did and went off again @_@ It was my first time playing COD4. It's like trying to make a "blind" to see ah. It's like random pressing and shooting. And most of my shooting miss ah. And I got killed lotsa time. OMG! Though it was fun. Lets do it again sometime *hiks~

Went for a drink after play and went home at around 10pm. Pretty much sums how my day was. So, how was it for u? Do tell...

Btw, I need perfume! My perfume bottles are empty ;_; I'm like leeching it off my sis XD She got lots more. Maybe I should snag 1 of it weeeeee XD

That pretty much sums it up! Thank yew for reading *peace


  1. Hey!

    I know the make up artisit! (top left picture of the group of 6 pictures)!


  2. pen pen u know everybody de. XD

  3. Anonymous9:48 PM

    nice lah the decoration!

  4. saiful: not only nice, it's expensive @_@ i mean the decorations

  5. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Yeyyyy!!!! You finally meet Louis Pang in person! Omedetoooo!

    I LOVEEEEEE the 4th wedding dress (th eone looks like a tube dress).... the decor... the cake.... KYAAAAAAAAAA XD XD XD XD XD

    Tan Sri-Tan Sri, Datuk-Datuk dan yang sewaktu dengannya, pls call me at 012-I-want-a-bombastic-wedding.


  6. YAY!!!!! :) Yesu yesu..I was lucky!

    Ahhh yes, dat's the other dress that I like but, I didn't like wut I saw (the bottom part of the dress XD)

    Omg the cake everything looks so nice. And yes, it's an expensive decor omg!

  7. compy: come back..lets go makan! XD
