
Saturday, April 05, 2008

Little Manhattan

I didn't go anywhere today. Nearly went out for dinner and COD4 but I guess today is not such a good day for me to go out since the earlier black out and I end up napping in the office coz it was too hot. And my colleague woke me up for lunch, I had roti jala with damn spicy curry and karipap. Seriously man, the curry, spicy. It's nice but "takazut" otakku! *sweat~

Was the receptionist for few mins. I had to run out from my room to pick up the phone @_@ I think my room need some furniture rearrangement.

I was having dinner while watching this movie called "Little Manhattan" on Star Movies around 7pm and couldn't stop watching it coz it's so cute! It's a cute story about Gabe, a 10 year old kid struggling with being in love with his fren, Rosemary, who is slightly older than him and who is also his classmate since kindergarten. This is btw not a new movie, this movie was release since 2005. You might still catch it on Astro.

How Gabe describes love...

"Love is an ugly, terrible business practiced by fools. It'll trample your heart and leave you bleeding on the floor. And what does it really get you in the end? Nothing but a few incredible memories that you can't ever shake."

"Love isn't about ridiculous little words. Love is about grand gestures. Love is about airplanes pulling banners over stadiums, proposals on jumbo-trons, giant words in sky writing. Love is about going that extra mile even if it hurts, letting it all hang out there. Love is about finding courage inside of you that you didn't even know was there. "

Make sense, doesn't it?

Check out the trailer

I won't put up spoilers for this movie. Go watch it! XD

Love some of the songs from the soundtracks. Oldies FTW!

Love could be wonderful and sucky at the same time. You feel nausea being with the person you're in love with, you keep on thinking what the other person thinks about you and whether you're doing the right thing or making the right move. Everything the person do would somehow affects you. You wonder if the person cares for you. You lose control and end up being jealous about small little things. You could end up crying for the silliest thing. You feel happy everytime you see the person you like. Words can't describe how miserable and exciting a person could feel for just being in love...

Btw, to end my post before I head off to bed, here's a song by Matt White - Love (from the movie). Makes u wanna sing along, doesn't it?


  1. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Little Manhattan looks sweet. Will watch it if i catch it on tv. :-)

  2. it is..*giggle..i was like watching it and can't move coz it's too cute XD

  3. owhh yeahhh.. i did watch a bit of this. It was sooo cute! But because Buddy MUST watch his Cartoon Network, ndak lah dapat tinguk sampai habis!

    So, maybe next time it plays.. I have to offer Buddy some PC time. Hehehehe..

  4. shem: yeah it was so cute dat i gotta haf the OST XD

    too cute

  5. Oh, I'm going to have to watch this. Maybe I can find it online. :D

  6. compy..should be's an old movie btw XD
