
Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Amsyar's KK Trip (Part 1)

I'll divide my friend's 5 days trip to KK into few part. I don't really know where or how to start. But here goes.

My friend, Aizam (I knew her from college since October 1998, been friends ever since), her 1 year old son, Amsyar, her sis (Kak Ni) and her sis's friend (Kak Fina) came to visit last 3rd July 2008 (Thursday). I took 3 days off work just to bring them around.

I was estimating the time of arrival and didn't wanna be late. But, stewped lorry drivers blocking my road @_@ *halfway panic, I wasn't speeding all the way to airport, I was sort of early. I mean it's past 10am but I wasn't late *giggle. This is the funny part. I haven't been visiting the airport that often, so, I got a bit confuse with the parking. *hehe~ I called my friend to check if they're out yet or not. Baggage claim area. Ogie. So, I waited for awhile.

I think I turn those big round to get to the waiting area 4 times till I get to them. Had to put all the luggage in the car. @_@ Oh, my car is not that big. I drive a kenari and I was trying my best to slot everything in *giggle. So, I thought, I'm gonna use the normal road to go home. But I was er confused with the road (still under construction) that I had to use the other road. Turn 1 big around again. Pass my office area to Likas. Well since they wanted to see the stadium, I had to use a the longer road home. No worries.

I think I reach home at around nearly noon. I can't remember whether we went to 1Borneo first or had lunch at home first. But yeah we went to 1Borneo. Met my bro and his gf there.

Took some photos of Amsyar there. XD

If I remember correctly, we stayed at home on the 1st night. I took more shots of him *giggle.

His aunt calls him "Little Monster". Coz he likes to touch everything he sees @_@ *rofl.

He knows when to smile when taking photo *giggle. All you gotta do is say "1, 2 smile" he'll smile. He's such a cutie.

More shots of him

End of day 1.


  1. Alaa.. kenapa nangis tuuu?? kesiaaann!! :(

    Tapi nangis2 pun hensem boy jugak!! Heartbreaker lah ni nantiii. LOL!

  2. shemah: yeah..tu nangis coz the mum dun let him go touch touch the stuff XD
