
Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Amsyar's KK Trip (Part 2)

4th July 2008 (Day 2) - Trip to Kundasang.

My dad was nice enough to drive us there (more like my parents don't wanna let me drive *cough cough). We got off before 9am (or was it 9am? o.O I know I should have a lappy with me to blog on the day itself, now I can't remember much details). The plan was to go Poring first then overnight at Kundasang.

Kak Ni and Kak Fina was trying to take photo of Mount Kinabalu in a moving car. @_@

little monster slept all the way till we reach nabalu town

little monster checking out the town

We reach Nabalu Town around 10am-ish. Dad bought some pineapple while massy went somewhere to take photos, the others went to look for souvenirs. I bought myself a new sling bag. YAY! I love it! X3 While Aizam browse for souvenirs, I was in charge to look after this little monster. @_@ I had to follow where ever he goes. This is considered as a minor exercise for me.

If you want to find souvenirs from Sabah, well besides the shops around KK, this is a must visit place.

I think we were there for an hour or so. Proceed to Kundasang town right after. We were actually looking for chalet/hotel to overnight. We went to survey price. Most room price range around RM80++ per night (excluding breakfast). But before we could proceed, we need fuel. This is the only fuel station in Kundasang. O.O"" Waw~

we have no choice but to queue

Lotsa places to choose from, but one of the place that we find interesting would be the "Mesilau Nature Resort". This place is nice but too quiet. Mum didn't like it, well lets just say she don't like a place without a view XD *rofl. The chalet price range from RM300++ to RM500++.

no, it wasn't that cold. see, i need no jacket (as yet)

massy surrounded by shitakes X3

We were hungry after the mushroom farm visit. Went to Cottage Restaurant for lunch. We were obviously hungry coz when we reach there, it was nearly 2pm. And the fish slices mee hoon I ordered is tasteless @_@ I could finish it. That's coz I was uber hungry.

I didn't get to take any shot of those fried rice they ordered but, I manage to take the Watan Ho and Fish Mee Hoon Soup. Fried rice taste just ok.

The fresh vege and the mushroom are great. Slightly pricey though.

Check out the raves, here.

We went to Kg. Luanti Baru, Ranau around 3pm-ish. Natural fish spa thinggie. The fishes are big!! I mean BIG!! Entrance fee RM5. Full body spa at the river is RM10. I think. I didn't go in coz I had to be miss handbag carrier. *rofl. Ogie fine!!! I'm scared of big fish. They'll eat me!!! I rather if it's the other way around. *rofl.

natural fish spa treatment *rofl

Went to Poring right after. On the way, we stop at the road side to see/take photo with the rafflesia flower which is dying in a day. The lady told us that the flower will last for 5 days only. And will only bloom in the next 9 month or so? @_@

near death. the last day

At Poring, me and my parents decided to wait in the car. Once they're done, we went to check in at Nabalu Cafe Lodge. Well actually they wanted to stay at Rose Cabin but mum decided to stay at Nabalu instead. Had dinner around 8:30pm, after shower. Oh man, I'm spoiling my diet. That's for sure. I was so sleepy that I wanted to skip dinner. The fewd was great! TASTY! Check out the raves here.

The food

Teh Madras and cake.

Slept around 10am. =_=" I end up waking up at 1am dammit. I don't think it was the sofa coz the sofa was kinda comfie. I dunno wut's wrong with me. Or was it the position of the sofa. I wasn't facing the door but I was definitely near the door. Maybe that's it. Or was it the noise coming from the laundry room? Or the rain? I really don't know. I bugged some people on sms. Sorry =_=" I need someone to talk to actually. Played some mp3 on my handphone and played some DS games till it was 4am only I can sleep.

But after all that lack of sleeping, I woke up early again. It was around 6:30am. I couldn't sleep back that I gave up and showered around 7am.

More photos from the trip (Day 1 and Day 2)

Updating Part 3 in a bit.


  1. Everything looks so best! Jelesnya I! Hehehe Glad you guys had fun. :)

  2. watan ho! my FAVOURITE! and where is this fish spa? never heard of it...

  3. rozie: yeah, it was fun!!!! XD

    perry: fish spa around ranau area...on the way to poring tu XD i mean dekat sabah tea? XD

  4. The food looks great :D I'm hungry already ... LOL!

  5. oh...ok. will check that out. should be signs to the place right?

  6. nick: wakkakakaka i'm sorry, my blog inda sah ni if teda fewd XD

    perry: yes's the same road to sabah tea. erm gerbangnya ikan XD
