
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Green Park Cafe Brunch Outing + Runebound Expansion (Round 1)

I actually planned to jog with my sis around 5am this morning but I got a lil lazy XD opps~ so I actually woke up around 4am and played maple for an hour. Return back to the bed for 2 hours and when I woke up, I played Maple Story for an hour.

I did the Thailand quest and the Halloween quest. I got myself some halloween masks! XD

I'm HAPPY!!!


I had planned for a brunch outing at Green Park Cafe a week ago, check here (at the forum). Well this happens after I had breakfast there with my siblings 1 week ago (last Sunday, my post, here) It's considered as a successful outing since 12 CSPians (me, panja, cube, IRT, rina, dias, shadow, dori, mika, uncle, sotong and chucky) came to this outing.

I was tempted to eat the Laksa but, instead I ordered the Chicken Noodle Soup which cost RM5. Check out my rave, here.

My bro had Beef Noodle Soup which cost RM6.

I also had the Fried Springroll at RM4.

The fried springroll is one of the MUST EAT list!

My bro ordered the Hot Red Bean Soup, which cost RM2.

I had my doubts with this, since I normally eat sticky kind of Red Bean Soup. Surprisingly, this is pretty nice. Not too sweet and not too bland. Well balance.

Mango Salad. A complementary dish from the shop owner!

It's their first time making this. Special for us! LOVE it! I dunno how to describe the taste. I think it's a mixture of slices raw mangoes, shrimp, prawn paste and "bunga kantan" (torch ginger?)? I'm not sure. Thinking about it makes me drool. But I know for a fact that Panja LOVED it.

People who came.

I think we were there for nearly 2 hours. We had a 5 player Mario Kart DS session.

"I'm losing!!!" *blames panja, karate his hands

We left around noon. Went back, I showered coz I feel all the stickiness from sweating. Oh the weather @_@ It's so hot. I went to uncle's place at around 1pm. I think. IRT, Rina, my bro and dias followed my car. This is where the 1st round of runebound expansion started. It started to pour as we reach uncle's place. Oh yeah, remember I blog about runebound expansion before (click here)? And I got no idea what is what? Ogie, in this post, I'm gonna explain the stuff that I know ogie? XD

Before I start with explaining. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Bryan for getting this boardgame for dear uncle rainer all the way from Singapore XD (don't kill me)

Finally IRT gets to play Runebound boardgame for the first time. We actually plan to leave around 4pm but our play sort of extended till 5pm-ish. Opps. Went home again to change car. LOL funny rite.

The players.

sotong baru abis "mandi"

"don't stress uncle XD"

I get to pick my character first. *evil grin. I chose er I forgot his name. But his melee attack is way GG. I rike! Deals 3 damage man! XD I manage to level 3 times (+6 to melee attack). Actually this shot was not my final belongings when the game ended. I actually had a +2 would to monster which cost me 12 gold dammits!

Anyways, these are Maps. You need a set of blue and green maps to look for Legendary Items. Which you can collect when you went for a Voyage (but before that you need to whack monsters).

These are Legendary Items.

Actually I manage to get one of these Legendary Items. But didn't get to use it T_T *sigh. We had to let the game hanging and leave early.

we actually didn't know what are these for

But when a green event card opens, we get to grab all these (actually we have to flip it), to get paths, notice the ones with red borders. That made going to another island easy.

Without those, traveling to another island is nerve wrecking. Why? Coz you have to go to the town, do a market phase, and get a captain (with sucky stats) to travel to another island. If you or your captain dies, you'll be knocked out or er shipwreck? @_@ That's bad man. Seriously BAD! Oh yeah, I haven't explain about those hexagon looking thinggie with the anchor symbol. After you got your captain, you didn't need to roll those movement dices. Instead, you move adjacent to that hexagon symbol with the anchor symbol. The "wonderful" part about doing that is, you need to whack a monster from that stack of cards with the anchor symbol. Trust me, if you don't have luck for dice rolling that day, you'll die easily @_@

You'll lose the captain once you reach another town. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that you can loan the Captain too. But the bad part about doing that is, he'll get your merchandise (gold, item and exp).

Oh yeah, uncle sort of lost his voice due to sore throat. So, he got those husky sexy voice going on rite now, which is sort of weird for me, except the part where he said something to my bro, which make it sound kewl coz it sounded like those movie intro voices XD So uncle, have you thought of something to say before your voice returns back to normal? Record it man! Seriously!!!

We went to Kompleks Karamunsing to check out the new stock from Moe Yume.

BakaNeko's shop, Moe Yume, at 1st floor Kompleks Karamunsing is selling these cute chibi characters from "To Love Ru" at RM29.90 each. OMG it's absolutely cute! I want!!!! =_="

We had to leave A.S.A.P to bring dinner home. Tonite's dinner was KFC! *nyum~ again. So gonna spoil my diet @_@.

Finally!!! I'm done with this post! Now I can shower!!!! WEeeeee

- end -

* black monday @_@*


  1.!food!food! @_@ :)

  2. amy: OMG!!!! best oh the noodle soups! uh and mango salad *slurps~ *drooling @_@

  3. You woke up at 4.00am and played games? LOL! I was still deep in dreamland la at that time ...

  4. The mango salad looks sooooooooooooo good!!!!!!!!!!

    Alamak, I got 30 mins lagi before my lunch break! Hehehe Kelaparan olredi me this!

  5. nick: yeah, sux to be me T_T

    rozie: it taste gewd too. sedap gila eh. XD

  6. kay: if u refers eating a lot as good? XD then yeah XD LOL
