
Saturday, November 08, 2008

The Weekend

First of all, HobbyCon posters are distributed around KK. HURRAH!!! Click the above poster to get into the group event at facebook.

This poster is a creation by rob-jr. Who's also one of the mini games creator for Experimental Playground.

So before I start my story about my weekend. I should start with Friday night. Me and my sibs (siblings) went to our "routine" jog after work (Oh yeah thanks to Jason for helping out with the $$ and posters), we thought, why don't we go eat chicken chop at Kedai Kopi Hilltop? So, there we were, at Kedai Kopi Hilltop, to find that the western fewd only serves around 7:30pm. Shite! And it was around 6:30pm that time and we were hungry. Instead of waiting, well the stomach couldn't really wait, we went to Eddie's D'Corner instead. LOL. Well it wasn't that far. We ordered ourselves some mix grill. I guess coz during the time we wanted Satay Kambing but didn't get any, we feel like having some lamb. *mmbek~ XD (yes, I sound crazy now). Btw, I've blogged about Eddie's D'Corner's mix grill before, here. Mix grill won't be perfect without mint sauce! Anyways, the mix grill cost RM13 each. Big portion. Love it!

So yeah, my bro bought some mix grill for his love. We planned to go Daiso last nite but he was home late. No Daiso for massy. *cries. I wonder if they have the stuff I wanted. Hmm.

Enuff about last nite, I think I slept around 11pm? Set the alarm to 4am. Guess what time I woke up? 5am LOL. OMG! But yeah, I woke up around 5am, woke the sibs, showered and go off to our usual jogging spot, jogged for an hour or so. I love sunrise and sunset. Everything felt great.

I think we got so hungry that we didn't want to eat at the usual place for breakfast. I've volunteered to drive to Hilltop for some Fish Mee!!! I've blogged about this too, Kedai Kopi Hilltop's fish mee and Kedai Kopi Janggut's fish mee.

Since I've never tried the Kon Lou Fish mee before. I've decided to give it a try. Ogie, here's the thing, the soup is great! But the kon lou isn't. I suggest you guys to order the mee / mee hoon fish mee soup! Oh yeah, and we got some foo chuk too. So, per person is like RM9. RM1.80 for the barlee. We bought the fish mee soup for my parents for RM7 each.

The foo chuk is great btw. Couldn't get enuff.

Here's the kon lou mee with the fish meat slices soup.

Anyways, my sis wanted to let us try some Mango Ice thinggie from this shop but they don't have it on that day. So sad.

I watched "Don't Mess with the Zohan" last nite. I think it's boring. I keep on skipping parts of it gawd.

I watched "Made of Honour" today. I LOVE IT! I think it's becoz of McDreamy XD

Got home, did some update on the HC stuffs. I'm gonna update the HC website in a bit.

Have a pleasant weekend peeps!


  1. foo chuk.. one thing i hate the most... hahaha

  2. justine: noooooo but why?

  3. hi there..stumbled upon your blog and was wondering if we could exchange links??

  4. jard: sure..yeah i'm sabahan

  5. hye massy
    last week & this week memang bz betul bah

    ni baru mau blog walking :D

  6. angriani: sorry haven't been blog walking oh. sangat bz. come to our event on 6th and 7th dec yah! XD

  7. Anonymous9:22 AM

    OMG! sadap betul la the konlau mee massy.. gimme some... I love made of honour.. nice movie and yes zohan is pretty boring..

  8. maika: kon lau macam tawar sikit, but the soup sedap! XD and the foo chuk too i love it!

  9. apa bah tu hobbycon tu sebenarnya?

  10. holly mcm soalan bonus oh..hobby event
