
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

HobbyCon 2008: Slow Update

I'm in the state of exhaustion. My body clock is screwed, my toes are numb, my shoulders are in pain (felt like I'm burdened with something) but that doesn't really describe how I felt during HC08.

I'm happy! I think it's a great success. Anyways, I'm gonna take some time to blog about it coz I'm currently uploading photos to facebook. Well most of my photos if I could. I got a total of 700++ photos for this 2 days event. And I sort of hated most of my shots for 1st day. I set it a bit too dark and vivid. GG. Anyways, I'm not sure if anyone else have problem with commenting the photos at my facebook album. I don't really know how to fix that, anyone got any idea?

Here's the link.
Day 1, Day 2.

I'll blog properly after I'm done with the photos. Sorry @_@

Oh and the final group photo from day 2. Thank to duck. Check his post, here.


  1. u guys had so much fun owh!!! :)

  2. amy c: yeah fun and tiring XD

  3. Massy, Massy, Massy! I got a taggy, taggy, taggy for you! Hehehe

  4. rozie ogie i'll check it out XD
