
Friday, January 30, 2009

Equus the Play

I know, it's been five (5) days since I last post anything. I'm sorry. I wanted to blog about something but I was caught up with watching Natsume Yuujinchou anime. Thirteen (13) episode of it. Scared that I might bore some of you guys with that post, that I decided to postpone it, till today, hehe. I also haven't been blog hopping. I've been erm facebooking. Darn it! Yes some of you people might notice me playing Vampire Wars *cough cough.

I received an sms the day before about Equus the Play. I booked the ticket 1 week before, well actually I wanted to go last week but since last week's session was full, decided to go this week instead. Glad I did. Finally! Today is the day to go and watch the play, which was at Breakthrough Centre, Donggongon. I went with Fara, sotong and Jason. Sotong actually recommend me to leave my car at his place and follow their car, but the stubborn me wanted to go home and drink tea *giggles. I must have my tea. Or I won't hold up till 9pm. LOL. Yes, I had few sip of my hot tea before I leave the house today. Erm, and yes, I nearly was late. Sorry 'bout that. I forgot that I had to drive further for a u-turn.

Lucky for me, I reach the place just in time for the show, which was at 7pm btw.

What is this play about? Read as follows:


Based on true events which happened in the UK, Equus tells a story of Alan Strang, a 17 year old boy who has pathological fascination towards horses to which at one point, even regarding them as Gods. Though his love for his ‘God’ is strong, a bizarre event happened with him suddenly blinding 4 horses on the stable he worked at. Because of this, he was sent to Dr. Dysart, a child psychiatrist who was interested in the case and refused to give up on Strang, even if it caused his own internal struggles. Through reenactment of Strang’s memories and interviewing people in his life, Dr. Dysart then slowly uncovers the real reason behind all this.

More info, click here.

Oh yeah, sorry, I didn't take much photos. I was drawn into the scenes.

The parents consulting the psychiatrist. Add some drama "WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY SON?!" sorry, the after effect.

Alan (Ralph) consulting the Doctor.

Horse care 101.

In the stables, doing you know what. 18SX.

I absolutely LOVE the play. I get goosebumps. @_@"" You guys did a great job! *thumbs.

Oh yeah, I met viv there (well more like she introduced herself to me). Sorry viv, I was slightly blur. You had your spec on XD Darn it, should have took photo with you. *bummer~ That time I couldn't link you with your blog properly. XD opps~ my bad~ but thank yew for saying hi. :) Nice meeting ya~

Group photo with Jassy and Cintha.

We went for yamchar at Senario Restaurant and were discussing about the play. I had watermelon juice. Not bad. Fara sure likes the mango lassi.

Sorry can't tell you more about the fewd, coz I didn't have those. Ask fara, sotong and jason. It's their dinner. Though I gotta say, the claypot looks kinda delicious. Ohh, *hungry.

Oh yeah, before I end my post, there's a new cafe opening tomorrow at Kompleks Asia City ground floor (next to Animage). Free fewd tasting from 9am to 11am.

More info, here. See ya guys there! XD

Pleasant weekend! *cheers!


  1. Aiyyooo... is it the boy a zoophiliac?? i mean he rape the horse??

  2. Aj: lets just say he "LOVE" horses *cough cough

  3. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Thanks for coming Massy!!!! And I'm glad you guys liked it :) Oh yeah, if possible, upload the pics during the scenes that you took in the EQUUS group. We're currently collecting pictures. But make sure you watermark it la k :) Thanks.

  4. jassy, sure XD i'll post it up soon XD

  5. tatsume?

    XD its Natsume you meant

  6. OMG did i type it as tatsume?! @_@ opps
