
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Rain rain go away

As much as I like it when it rains. I'd prefer it to be sunny. I mean sunny, not overheating. But I guess I'm asking too much. Oh well.

The weather is demotivating me. I haven't been blogging and I also haven't been blog hopping a lot lately. I spent most of my time at the forum, habbo and facebook. Oh man, even now while I'm typing I feel like sleeping. It's the month for hibernating it seems.

I notice lotsa people been sick lately, so I hope they'd be in their best of health this day forward. I myself is coughing. Darn it. I hate it when I cough. It'll probably take me months to recover.

There's so many things that I wanted to do that I could not seem to proceed any. It's just thoughts. And it's been raining so yeah, that's one of the reason too. Urgh, sux! I want nice weather!

Meanwhile, when I was getting myself drawn to this ending theme from Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou by Kourin called Aishiteru, but this song is not out yet *sigh. I so want the full version. Heck I'll get the single/album if there's any.

Here's the video.

I stumbled upon another song by Base Ball Bear called Aishiteru. Been repeating it for days now. So yeah, I'm sharing it.

Till then. I hope to bring more interesting post rather than this boring one. Sorry.


  1. Yes...being sick is really the dumps! Hope you get well soon.

  2. sini pun hujan gila!! hate it very much when it's rained like itu roof pun mau roboh!!
    Hope you will get well house members pun suma sakit batuk now..!!

  3. massy seriously too much habbo

  4. yaaaa.. me family pun sakit! why weather why???! orang tia emo pun jadi emo oh.. LOL!! xD

    btw, the song Aishiteru = Awesome! :D

  5. perry: fun in being sick oh

    kadusmama: wahhh, punya i think ok ok sikit, x sampai banjir la XD

    arine: urgh @_@ cube oso ah...he wanna collect 2k pixel hahahahha

    charlton: yeah man, i oso dunno why...anyways yeah i love dat song XD

  6. ya its raining lately...good as it cold but very wetty if you got something to do outside...

  7. Oh my feng shui said i can get sick this better took care of myself from getting sick...hope ur gettin better massy...dun go outside n play hujan aight!!! :D

  8. fiona: yabah, i got things to do when it's not raining. I hope this weekend x ujan.

    amy c: manada men ujan XD kekekekekeke...though as fun as it may sound..ehem i didn't do it! no no no

  9. Rain oh rain.. stop disturbing mas. Enoughlah playing around.. isk isk isk. Dah cukup dah banyak kau kasi banjir sana beaufort, Kota Marudu.. cukuplah...

    * this is what happen boring in office.

  10. LOL papa JPP, entertaining urself ka tu XD
