
Wednesday, February 04, 2009


I'm frustrated.

Few days ago, that side light cover thing had gone missing. Is there such thing as that thing fall off kah? I don't get it. *sigh. I had asked my bro to get me a replacement but he couldn't find any.

And today, THIS?!!?!??!

Where's my frigging hub cap man?! =_="

This is the 3rd time this had happen. #@$(*#&^&$^%#$%# =_="""

Not only that, the middle thing also missing. Did it broke? Or did somebody sabotage my car? *roll eyes.

That thing is prolly plastic for all I care. Heck I wanna change rims! WTF~

That small hub cap thing cost RM20++ each urgh~ I have to go to Perodua again. Urgh. I HATE 2009!!! Yes, I'm pissed!

I dun think my face look pissed enuff. I went to my jogging session after work, and my mind was on my tyre. Dammit. It was like, I wanted to go home right when I just reach there. *sigh. Yeah, it's sad. Very sad to be looking at a missing hub cap. Heck, I would take off all the hub cap if I wanted but the rims would look fugly to me *sigh.

Note: oh yeah, sorry if my car look very dirty. There's never a clean car day ever with the condition of the road to my house. So yeah. DO NOT JUDGE ME!!! I'm too pissed to be judged by people. *sigh.


  1. OMG! Your car kena sabotage! >.<

    ugh... could it be the person who sabotage your car is... :-X

  2. arine: if kena sabotage la...weird man...3 kali sudah tu haihs~

  3. come owh...serang ja ba if u know the person who sabotage u..oooppsss..

  4. nah... sama lah kita.. my hub cap also terbang. LOL!

  5. marmalade: XD i'm scared of karma XD kekekekek

    fara: eeeeeeeee tulah aku x suka perodua ni, bidak oh the hub cap

  6. *pat pat pat massy*
    prolly they steal and make monies out of 'em...
    urs - missing hub cap
    mine - super nice wavy scratches on the body (front till back)

  7. rach: what? scratches @_@ omg~ sakit oh dat...

  8. Come by to the MUTT! I have a fabulous award for you!

  9. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Stop using hubcaps...that's the only way...even Mel's brother experience the disappearing hubcaps in KK.

    Maybe some pilak wants it to build a boat so they can bring more of their people over.

  10. Rozie: wokeh~ XD

    Dan: OMG! eeeeee bidak oh kereta ku without hub caps @_@

  11. @_@ oh no!! pukul dat ppl who sabotage ur car!!!

  12. amy c: XD ekkekek only god knows XD

  13. Sot la,plastic pun mau curik. It's ok massy,things happen for reasons.

    Hope u're ok by now.

  14. mell: thanks. I'm taking off my hub caps...tensen aku tinguk...bidak terus kreta ku

  15. my housemate had teh same experience.. huhuhu..

    i wonder why in hell ppl steal those things? it's not like its expensive or sumthing.. huhuhu..

  16. jard: durang mo buat sampan kot

  17. Well, the cover of my reverse lights went missing too since god knows how long and I only discovered about it a few weeks back. And the same thing happened to my rim cover that I took all of it out ... hehehe ...

  18. Anonymous6:02 PM

    let's join forces and curse the bugger...

  19. Nick: they seriously wanna make sampan oh kan

    swordie: yah!!!! i curse they will get 10x worst hmph~ XD

  20. ada org suka your car bah that massy.
    jangan saja need to cakap lah...palis2...heheh

  21. chegu: O.O? jangan wut? OMG! @_@ *paranoid...

  22. heh...somebody fell in love with you tapi takut nak gtau so dia amik somthing from your car as kenangan..hahahahaha

  23. Aj: har? that'd be one of the thing which would piss me off..aku katuk la tu kepala tu urang...confirm mo buat sampan tu

  24. Omigosh, migosh, migosh.. how come like that lar? So kesian you... I'd be damned piss too if I were you..

    But hey, if it's any consolation to you, you looked super CUTE in that pic, with the hair clips and all. Hahahaha! :D

  25. cin: yeah, i dunno sepa mo sabotage se punya car ni..hmph~ anyways thanks XD hahahahha..omg, it shouldn't make me look cute omg~ @_@

  26. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Fuyoh! why everything also terbang wan? You bawa kerata 130km/hr kah? kekeke

  27. Yinsi: wahhhh I dun drive dat fast's not like I own a ferarri here XD kekeke
