
Thursday, February 12, 2009


I've been wanting to blog about Nex's new place at Kompleks Asia City (Ground Floor, next to Animage) but I don't have enuff photos. *giggles. So now, this time I do. This new place is called Butterbliz. Ehem~ care to explain the story behind the name?

This place was open since 31st Jan 2009. I'd say this is a new hang out place for the CSPians. Check out updates at the forum, here.

MAID CAFE?! WAW~ *kidding. Not maid cafe, Arine works there. She wore her maid outfit during the opening *giggles.

Not only that, a Kamen Rider wannabe was there *cough cough. Well not really, my bro just got his kamen rider beetle belt thinggie and has been playing and showing it off since he got it. Thank gawd he hasn't been bringing it around that much lately.

I know somebody couldn't get enough of the Honeycomb during the opening *cough cough. *roll eyes at Fara.

Oh yeah, remember my previous post, I was complaining about the electricity problem at my office? It's fixed now, thank gawd. Lets just say that I wasn't in the office till noon. Ekekekek I went to Centre Point (CP) and Kompleks Asia City (KAC) kekekek for breakfast.

I had these.

Mee hoon with Baby Corn cooked with Oyster Mushrooms and Ginger Chicken. *slurps~ I want more! But I had a chicken pie with me. Now, we shouldn't be greedy you see. I should have tried the sausages with potatoes, they said it's nice.

Oh btw, they have different menu everyday and it's affordable. XD

Can't get enuff of Green Tea.

They also have Lobak Ko. But not everyday.

Check out the raves, here.

Oh yeah, they also have PIES!!!!

Apple pie - RM2
Chicken pie - RM2.30
Beef pie - RM2.50

To Nex, Massy's special request, I want sardine pie!!!! X3

I'm yet to try the Sandwiches. It's so tempting!!! I wan't!!! Cheese!!!

Anyways, I've reach the end of my post. Check out the place peeps! Oh yeah, you'll spot CSPians there everyday *cough cough.


  1. I know somebody couldn't get enough of the Green Tea during the opening too *cough cough. *roll eyes at Massy.

  2. fara: HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA omg! XD *tapuks~

  3. Any interest in American Politics? Know anyone who does?

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  4. urrrgghh..that pie..T_T syedaapp..

  5. Mell: the pies there normally sold out tu XD sedap!

  6. mcm baju sailormoon jak.. hehe

  7. Jard: LOL sailormoon skirt pindik XD.

  8. Oh yes I am Sailormoon... I get that a lot... Yeah...

  9. arine: wakkakakakak XD

  10. Wah, thanks for the review Mas! I've been wanting to put up a proper post in my blog by never could find the time to finish it coz when I'm done working for the day its already late and my brain not working liao >_<

    I'll send you the links for pics of pie and curry puff Zack took so you can use those instead. Can?

  11. Nex: most welcome, ahh sure, can can XD

  12. note to self.
    never ever visit massy's blog with an empty stomach.


    that pie looks good.
    the lobak ko too!

  13. jacq: go there and eat, it's open XD kekekek *giggles..

  14. awww cute outfit, hehe =)

  15. baity: i know rite, cute kan XD i like how puffy it is

  16. Anonymous9:04 PM

    I LOVE THE APPLE PIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The honeycomb cake also bery de nice till can cry T__T
    I wanna try chicken and beef pie too!

  17. ling ling, they said beef pie sedap oh
