
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Today is not fun at all

I was on my usual showing up for work late spree. Ehem, I should be waking up early but I'm just not in the mood.

Today, I got a reason to laze around in the office doing nothing.

Well more like I was playing with my DS whole day today.

Why? I can't online. I blame SESB for it. It's like my work place has been cut into half. I had to sit outside of my room for aircond. But the funny thing about it was the fact that SESB was blaming our technician and like wise. So who should be fixing the fuse or wutever shite? You guys should see the look on those Hong Leong bank staff's. They keep on coming to our office. Just to follow up to what's going on.

I hope this matter resolve by tomorrow. It's so boring and I'm feeding on water all day. I'm bloated @_@"""


  1. SESB is just wicked and playing dumb all the time. *sigh* =_="

  2. charlton: yabah! budu oh kan

  3. huh?? that bad eh.. hehe

  4. Jard: yeah, I wanna blog hop di opis pun x bulih ni, punya x best.

  5. punya la boring tu kan massy...*kicks SESB*

  6. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Try switching water with lihing to lift your spirits. ;-)

  7. Anonymous11:22 AM

    ahhh.. kalau sambung pakai bateri bulih kali... keh! keh!

  8. Amy C: sangat lah boring, today I went around KK XD fadulik!

    Dan: uish, aramaiti di opis..sangat kick..

    eshark: battery? @_@ alah it won't work man...but at least it's fix sudah today thank gawd..if not I go home, I wanna mogok!

  9. Normal la tu, everybody blame someone else when things go wrong. Hope things get better soon :D

  10. Sini pun mati karan kemarin pasal hujan lebat and extremely loud thunder! Punya se takut~~~

  11. Nick: it seems like our usual technician knows it better..he changed both of the fuse already. His hands were all black when he's done changing it LOL

    cin: wahhh, dangerous oh got thunder, bikin takut, nanti terbakar @_@

  12. Somebody better do something alrite. One of them or both are making a lot of bullshit. It doesn't take more than a day to figure out whats wrong and do something about it.

  13. my office got backup battery for 4 hours.. so far.. online saja sia ni. But I understand on the SESB part. Bikin panas diaorang ni. Kasi minum lihing baru tau!

    phhewww... so today ok alredy lah kan :D

  14. dino: yes, we demanded our usual technician and he fixed it after 2pm. thank gawd.

    JPP Papa: yeah today ok sudah, x lama lagi kena makan tikus tu wayar

  15. they live up to their motto bah tu: SESB = Sabah Everyday Sure Blackout

  16. angel: hahahahaha yah! so true
