
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I've been indeed contemplating *giggles

I got this whole excuse planned in my head for the reason for not blogging, but somehow it sort of disappear. I can explain myself. Like the above title. That's what I've been doing. I've been complaining, to myself unfortunately of how this world have become. And what it's making me. Sadly it may sound.
I actually was excited about blogging about stuff my parents got me from their Euro trip but I end up being lazy. Heck, I didn't do anything last week. I was sick at home, in a comfie lil nest I called my room. Anyways, the above image is a summary of the items I got, there's more actually but I think posting every single one of it is crazy. Some of the items above I leech from my dad. *rofl. Like the postcards and erm the green beanie XD

Thanks to people who keep dropping by my blog to check on me. I apologize for not being able to fill your days with my silly posts.

But, that won't stop me from posting something that I'm excited with.

I've been trying to control myself from shopping online. As you all know. If you guys notice, at the bottom of my blog page, there's links to "Shop till you drop". Well more like online shopping blogs. The terrible thing about these links is the fact that I check it everyday. I'd be pressing F5 every now and then to see if there's any latest update. Yes, it's that bad. For the past 2-3 weeks, I've been ordering stuff. Heck, even the postman from Pos Laju got tired of going to my office *rofl.

But I guess I'm considered lucky that most of the clothes available are small size. I mean I'm considered plus size.

If anyone have the same addiction as me, I advise you guys not to click it! I swear, if you guys click it, don't blame me. I'M NOT TO BE HOLD RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS!

If you guys notice, the shirt from the anima project with Flan? I got that online *rofl.

Aight, that's done. I actually wanted to blog about this group? The Pierces? I actually heard one of their songs called Secret from one of the online blog. But I'm more addicted to this song called "It Was You".

I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I do.

I got myself another geek glasses. It's actually more pricey than the one I got before. I think I'll take a shot of myself with it one of these days. Or if I did after this, I'll just edit my post. I just showered and it's already 10PM.

Just wait for the update. And to everyone who's so loyal in reading my posts. Thanks a bunch, I love you people!


  1. waw the youtube border is pink! XD

    sorry the color really distracted me knowing massy is not into pink XP

  2. arine: shite, itu terclick! doesn't count @_@

  3. Anonymous10:15 PM

    You online shopaholic you!

  4. Dan: OMG I know! terrible rite? @_@ oh man, *bite nails

  5. Anonymous5:12 AM

    hi there...
    hows life?

  6. Hi ejje, life's been gewd
