
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Massy got tagged by Nessa

I actually planned to do this yesterday but I couldn't answer some of the question, so put on hold. I think one of the other reason I woke up early this morning *rofl.

Here's her tag (click the link).

And here's mine.


Copy the questions below. Simply use the first letter of your name/nickname as your answer for each question. You can't use any answer twice and don't use your own name for questions # 3 & 4. After you're done, tag 10 people.

Sounds easy but it's pretty tricky when you start doing the tag... but at least you get to 'exercise' your brain :)

  1. What is your name? Massy
  2. A four letter word: Mind
  3. A boy's name : Mickey
  4. A girl's name : Maylana
  5. An occupation : Manager
  6. A color : Magenta
  7. Something you wear : Mitten
  8. A type of food : Meehoon
  9. Something found in the bathroom : Medicine
  10. A place : Madagascar
  11. A reason for being late : Missed the bus
  12. Something you shout : Mari bah!!!
  13. A movie title : Music and Lyrics
  14. Something you drink : Milk
  15. A musical group : My Chemical Romance
  16. A street name : Majistret Road (Jalan Majistret)
  17. A type of car : Mitsubishi
  18. A song title : My Girl
  19. A verb : motivate
Ok that's about it, now I can sleep soundly *rofl. Or maybe not. I can't think of anyone I can tag or want to tag. So people, I guess you guys are safe, for now *rofl.


  1. Mari bah!!! Sia slalu cakap macam tu with my youngest son! LOL!

    Thanks for putting up the tag :D

  2. Nessa: LOL XD kekekekekek funny oh kan XD lucky this morning my brain works fine XD

  3. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Good blog

  4. So many ppl have tagged me with this on FB tapi malas betul oh sia. Hehehe :P

  5. rozie: *giggles, I think I still have like few tags pending oh
