
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Perro Loco

Sorry took me awhile to blog.  I'm still having problems with the computer at work.  It's too frigging slow.  There's lotsa things I can't do with that computer.  So, I'm requesting a new one.  A faster one.  I also need one for myself at home.  But, yes there's always a but to everything, money, I spent a lil too much on nendoroids.  *cough cough.

Aight, lets focus on what I'm about to blog today.

photo credit to Dino

Perro Loco, a new place located at Star City North (formerly known as Kompleks Asia City) ground floor.  It's actually facing Chung Hwa school.  This place sells South American hot dogs!  Ogie, maybe not just hot dogs but most of them are.  I've actually blogged about the fewds in my previous posts (here), but didn't make any intro wutsoever yet.

This place officially open a month ago.  I missed out during the opening coz uncle *roll eyes, invited me at the very last minute and being sleepy at that time, I couldn't give an answer, hence said I can't make it.  LOL.

But, since the past month, I've been going there, I won't say often but enough to try five (5) different fewd.  Oh yeah, the owner of this place is uncle's sister and her husband.

The menu

photo credit to Dino

Opens daily from 10am to 8pm.

Check out Dino's post during the opening, here.

My raves, here.

These are what I had today.

Beef and chicken tacos ;)

Chorillana, this is awesome!

Aight, this post is done. Mouth watering enuff?


  1. maybe i'm going there on friday or saturday..hehehe..

  2. sedappppp... i wanna go!

  3. change name sudah meh that complex?

  4. wah cannot wait to singgah. thanks for sharing the info Massy ;)

    BTW, the name is very catchy.

    "el perro" means "dog" in Spanish and if I'm not mistaken, "loco" means "crazy". So "Perro Loco" means "Crazy Dog" ?

  5. ah it look so good!! ( Drooling ) i would love to go there to had one! thank for the great content!!! thank!!! bookmark your blog into my browser already =P

    anyway, got time visit my blog thank!!!

  6. @kenwooi: taste gewd ;)

    @aj: I wanna slow down a bit, too much beef lately XD

    @joan: go go XD

    @uncle greg: kekekekekekek mmg aku aim ini kasi lapar urang hehe ;)

    @ahbing: yeah, change liao oh. but I owez forget to call it star city north, keep calling it KAC.

    @cicak: hahahah yar, when you go, you try see the logo XD

    @BerryLing: thanks for visiting, added u in my bloglist too ;)

  7. now open till 8pm suda?..good...can go there for dinner.... :)

    mark my weekend to go there...i wanna try the chorilanna and the tacos looks sedaps...*massy sa berliur suda awal2 pagi nie* hehehehee.....

  8. *faints*

    hungry ohh nampak this!!!!!!!

  9. @Amy C: XD yes go eat go eat..

    @donna: XD haf u been there yet?

  10. Very good. Ada lagi tempat baru mau pigi try!


  11. @Perry: XD welcome ;)

  12. Mouth watering enuf? I think my keyboard is flooded with my saliva ... LOL!
