
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

[27th Dec 2009] Kundasang Trip (Day 2)

Rise and shine!!! (*queue the cardigans).

I was nearly having a nice sleep till my bro called and woke me up slightly before 8am to take photo of Mount Kinabalu.  We got the perfect view from our room window.  Natural air day and night.  No air-conditioning.  It's also creepy if you ask me.

Took those with two (2) different camera.

Packed and brought my bag to the car.  We haven't check out yet, I just dun need my bag in the room.

Went to look for breakfast.  Went to Strawberry garden.  But there's no strawberries *sad.  Not strawberry season *sigh.  And they only serve fried noodles there.  Went to another place along the road but that place have one (1) waitress and one (1) cook, takes too much time and looks like they only serve fried noodles too.  Dad sort of got bored with fried noodles.  Imagine 3 days different company meeting serve the same noodle.  BORING~

Went to Nabalu Lodge just so it's convenient and more choice.  We notice people eat fried noodles in the morning.  Don't they get bored?

Our order

See, this whole taking photo thing, I got that from my dad.  He's the one with the gadgets and $$ XD

Got some cheesecakes too.  Aren't those tempting.  I don't know how it taste though.

Check out my raves, here.

Drop by the fruit stalls around 10am.


We went to the Kundasang War Memorial at around 10:13am.  Entrance fee for MyKad Holder is RM2.00, foreigners is RM10.00.

On the wall outside.



Pay first before enter.

The entrance.

The path from the entrance, surrounded by trees and orchids.


Next, you get to see these.  Newspaper clippings and information about the place.

There are three (3) types of garden.

Australian Garden.


English Garden.


And our very own local garden.  Opps, I forgot to take photo of that.  Lotsa orchids.


And the most common place to take photo when one visit this place.


From of the valley.


Dad friend showed us something that's not on display there.  Human skull.

The hall was closed for christmas holiday.  But dad's friend open it for us.  ;) lucky!

Inside the hall.



One of those things that I always wanted to take photo of.  I love you dad!  Thanks for looking for it.  ;)  Paddy field. 

Around Tuaran, the road going back to Kota Kinabalu.  I didn't know they selling these there.  I thought only Kudat sells this.  Oh I found out they selling "Jagung Bakar" at Tg. Aru too.  This was 1:30pm btw.  Damn HOT!



  1. nice scenery and food...luv it
    nanged u! Cheer up ur couple by nang this and read how to make him/her a dessert!

  2. Hi, thanks ;)

  3. foods...!!! T_T

  4. @Sylvia: Look at the scenery XD

  5. the sign are funny!


  6. @ahmad: yeap. XD it's fun to visit there.

  7. damn it~ i feel wan go to war memorial there that my kuroshitsuji photoshoot ni~ damn it =3=

  8. @sakuya: yes, very nice tu ;) ikou ikou.. 2 hours ;)

  9. The food! My eyes were drawn to the food ... LOL!

    Wow, the pictures look great and a view of Mount Kinabalu ... cool :D

    Happy 2010 :D

  10. @Nick: *distracts. Look at everything else. LOL!

    Thanks ;) Glad I could share this. *drags dad for more roadtrip.

    Happy 2010 to you too ;)

  11. waaaa...havent visited Kundasang for quite a while now...wanna arrange a trip la ni juga...uhuhuhu...

  12. @angelbear: go go ;)
