
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Winner for theclickshop's random Christmas gift giveaway

I couldn't remember the last time I ever won anything.  But this is the best feeling.  I feel so high (this is seriously not farnie, I might end up in a loony bin).

Anyways, remember this tag blog post about it last week (last Wednesday to be exact)? Aww, you don't?  click this link, here.  I'm the winner! YATTA!  It was announced on the 27th Dec 2009, the time when I just came back from my day trip to Kundasang.  Amy C thanks for informing me via plurk.  I wouldn't have known.  Btw, the winner announcement, here.

I though, didn't know wut the prize was.  I didn't know what to expect, well since TCS never announce/mention about the prize either.  It got me curious, so curious that I was cracking my brains.  I sent my details on the 28th Dec and waited for a reply.  And got reply and was given the tracking number yesterday (mind you) and all in just two (2) days.  Talking about efficiency ei?  That was fast.  And was informed that my package will arrive in 2 days.

Still curious with what is in the package.  I was doing the online Pos Laju track and trace thing whole day.  It got me really excited.  Till (not sure wut time) I noticed the status changed to item in KK.  I got even more excited.  I waited, and waited, and waited.  But my package haven't arrive.  I tried calling Pos Laju center but it was engage till 4pm.  I kept on dialing and dialing and dialing till 20 minutes later, I got connected and enquired about my package.  The lady told me that the postman who're handling my area is on leave (typical) and I will most likely receive my package the next day with a different postman.  Though, she's not sure when I'll receive it.  Now, knowing how slow postman could be sometimes, I decided to go collect it myself.  I do it often enuff actually.  I should never be given tracking numbers.  I get all jumpy.  Anyways, it was 4:30pm when I left the office and I got to the post office 15 mins before 5pm.  They close at 5pm btw.

Got my package and couldn't wait to rip off.  I mean the box.  But before I did that, I had to take photo of the box hehe.  Typical massy rite?

Nice "touch" to the Xmas Wish :)

Guess wut's inside?

A superheadz 35mm film camera.  The White Slim Angel version.  I was left speechless.  Something really nice to add up to my collection.  Guilty~  I haven't finish the film from the Holga yet XD  Flannie, my young sifu is coming home! Sifu, I need guidance.  Kekekeke. 

Haven't tested it yet.  I'll just gonna post up photos of it first.  I'll try it soon.  I promise.


Please ignore my oily face.  Anyways, OMG what a coincidence.  I was wearing white today. 

>And here's some shots of some of the camera angles.




Enough angles?

Wait!  I'm not done yet.  Where can you get these?

>theclickshop (here's the link).

Other available colors?


Photos leeched from TCS.

Anyways the features.
  • Ultra wide angle lens, 22mm.
  • Awesome vignetting effect.
  • Lightweight and very simple to use, just load the film and start shooting!
  • Uses 35mm film.
I can't wait to test it! :)  Wait for my next post XD

Last but not least, thank you again to theclickshop and Adrian (from theclickshop) for the AWESOME gift!


  1. YATTAAAAAAAAAAA to Massy!!! Congrats on ur new Superheadz! White ones look cool! XD

  2. @Amy C: thanks ;) will go around town soonish to take photo :)

  3. congrats Massy! Nasib baik sempat sampai pos ofis b4 5pm..otherwise, u cannot sleep la the whole nite thinking about your gift..hehe..

  4. @Mama Mia: so true. And my car macam sot sot tu battery grip again. Pandai termati tiba tiba.

  5. wow I wanna get one too! ;)

  6. @Big Boys Oven: yeah, I know rite? I'm so excited. Need to find time to take photo.

  7. huhuhuhu~ i just ordered one of these, have you developed any rolls from this cam yet? and what film did you load it with?

  8. @kefuwa: 35mm film. XD can get anywhere. Erm, I'm almost finish with my film left 3 shot >.< must finish it.

  9. woot, can't wait to see the results... hehe, yes i know 35mm... wat brand? i'm going with fuji superia xtra 400 for my first roll... but i was actually looking around for fuji reala 100... have you seen that selling anywhere ka?

  10. @kefuwa: oh sorry XD I use fujicolor superia x-tra 200. ;) Hmm, gonna test on centuria 200 when I'm done with that. 100 very rare oh. I can't seem to find it around KK. Maybe in KL got. ;)
