
Monday, March 01, 2010

Sunday Random Unplanned Outing

Just when I thought I could get some rest during the weekend.  Somebody woke me up earlier than I should.  Doesn't it make you cranky if you didn't get enuff sleep?  I do, I seriously do.  I got Clay to "thank".  *roll eyes.  But come to think of it, I usually don't have problem waking up from not enuff hours of sleeping but I think I got the weather to blame.  It's uber hot these days!  And it's hazing.

My bro told me that there's an open house at a friend's house today, knowing how lazy I would be on a Sunday, I'd forced myself, in other words, I dragged myself and followed my brother instead.  I'm not favoring the weather yesterday.  I think we got out around noon.  Destination:  1 Borneo Hypermall.  And since Clay was bored *roll eyes.  His house is near our area, so my bro had picked him up and there we go.

First thing we did was had lunch.  But wait, I had ramen for brunch man.  But somehow it felt like I didn't eat a thing.  I guess the whole being cranky affected my appetite huh?

We got there, went to the fewd court and decided to order some "petite" pizza.  Four (4) slices for RM5.90.  I dun remember having that before.


The pizzas are quite nice, I just hope they use olive oil instead of normal oil.  *sweat.

After lunch, we went for Bumper Car.  RM5 per entry.  Me and Clay skipped this.  Which left Cube disappointed, sorry, too many people, I no rike.  Since we skipped that, we went to play Air Hockey. 

We decided to watch movie since the "plan" was cut short.  So we did, watched "Book of Eli" at 2:20pm.

But before that, the Taman Rimba? place is an arcade now.

Back to the movie, 2 hours if I'm not mistaken.  It was interesting but the whole sound volume every now and then got on my nerves.  We went to K-Box to check out.  We went to the ground floor to take photo of the stage.  Very nice decoration.


It's so hot that I just gotta tie my hair.  I can't stand it.
After that, we walk around to look for a yamchar place.  Out of all the places, we end up going to NewYorkNewYork.  Don't ask.


They ran out of strawberries and root beer.  I ordered Orange Milk drink which doesn't taste gewd at all.  I'd switched my drink with my bro.  He ordered a guava juice which were too sweet for me.


The best way to "kill time".  We thought we hang till 7pm before we get to friend's house for BBQ and dinner.  Since it's still early, I've suggested we go take photo of sunset.  Our first suggested location was Tg. Lipat, but there were too many cars there and the sun doesn't seem to set from that side.  So we proceed to the place near Wisma Merdeka.  We got there before 6:30pm and the sun started to set.  Loads of people.  Seriously.

Sun setting ;)



I is can see plane from afar~~~~


Went to dx's house around 7pm.  New place, house tour! XD damn nice!

Just curious why his room no unicorn. LOL

And they didn't get to eat lamb coz had to go meet up with Clay's friend for jamming.

Lookie, it's a full moon.

Was there till 10:30pm.  Took some videos, posted on fb.  Not much coz my camera memory full @_@"""

More videos, here

I'd uploaded the last video just now but to realize that I actually uploaded the wrong one.  The correct one gonna take me 4 hours =_=""".

It was fun and tiring day.  Well at least Clay "slaved" himself to help me take fewd and drinks when at dx's house mwahhaha.  XD *pat pat.  Thanks Clay, you're a great friend, but, dun sms me early morning on a Sunday.  *kicks.

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