
Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Wednesday Sushi King Treats

From the month of January to March 2010, Sushi King, Warisan Square have Sushi RM2 Treats.  Only for rice-based sushi on  Kaiten Belt and only on Wednesday.

Terms and Conditions apply:
  • Promotion is valid for dine-in only.
  • Promotion is applicable to sushi (rice-based) on all colored plates on the kaiten belt excluding Tsumami (appetizer), Temaki (hand rolls), Sushi by Order & Normal Price Plates.
  • Promotion is not valid with any other Sushi King Card discounts, other discounts or any menu-ordered sushi.  All food leftover will be charged accordingly to the normal price.
  • Sushi King reserves the right to change the terms & condition without prior notice.
  • Only valid in Sushi King at Warisan Square.

Sabahan famous with Sabah Time?  Waited for everyone, we started around 1pm.  Some of us were there before 12:30 noon.  My first time there, crazy weather, it's so hot today too.

Rina and Marsie were there for lunch too, but they left early.

Photo credit: Clay.


                 More photos from him, here.

Eight (8) people cramped at 1 table.  Our "victim" were cubex and yack yack (coz they were the nearest to the belt).  I think we were the loudest group there.  LOL.

Limit 45 mins to 1 hour?

Cubex's leftover.  Since he planned not to eat rice.

The most EPIC incident when one of Sushi King's staff came to our table and inform cubex that the plates will be charged at normal price if the there's rice leftovers.  LOL.  I think his heart dropped for a moment there.

No choice but to finish it.

Total plates for today, well not quite.  But this dood damn GG, he carried all of those in 1 go.

 More of my photos, here.

Uber fun outing, I think we (the ones who came early) sort of forgot about all that waiting from all that laffing.  I'm stuffed from laffing.


  1. woo kenyang. tapi cubex lagi kenyang. i loled.

  2. @Saru: LOL, skipping rice for sushi is not farnie.

  3. @Uncle Greg: On Wednesday and Warisan Square branch sija heheh, RM2 every sushi place, murah gila.

  4. waaaa best! nyum nyum haha

  5. @baity: hehehe I rarely sushi king but going with friends is a different story ;)

  6. wooottt... so cheap nia :p

  7. @henry: yeap, only on Wednesday at Warisan Square XD

  8. all eat so many sushi...the plates stack till so high...

  9. @kumfye: hehehehe, yeah only 2 girls there, guys eat more XD

  10. so u r vewwy sure u will not be joining us l8r at Sushi King for some kaiten madness?

  11. @fallenone: *roll eyes. Do not tempt me! XD
