
Monday, July 05, 2010

Roadtrip to Music Fest 2010 at the Tip of Borneo, Kudat (Day 2)

Good Morning Sunshine!  That's my morning view.  Sunday plan, apart from going back to KK were to wake up early in the morning to check out Sidek Esplanade.  I'm the one who woke up and showered first.  Hot water ahhh.

I think my hat looked kinda a bit off.  Must be from running.  I set timer for my pns camera for this shot.

I think we only got out around nearly 9am.  LOL.  Meet up with the guys there and found out somebody with a new name.

Oh man, this is so EPIC that we were talking about it all the way back home *rofl.  Sorry Panja.  Too farnie.

We were looking for chinese restaurant coz Cubex wanted to eat Ngiu Chap but I think none are open.  So, went to Restoran Rakyat instead.  I had bits and pieces of mum's and my sibling's fewd for breakfast.  Yes I am on diet.

Fewd are delicious.  Thank yew for the fewd mum ;)  Dun worry, I had like quarter rice for breakfast.  I rarely eat rice these days.

The guys.

Bruised Saru.  Oh yeah, I didn't include in my previous post about him bringing his PS3 did I? XD

I ain't touching that!  Poison too powderful.

At 10am, we went to Sidek Esplanade.  Seriously HOT, not farnie.  Oh they guys went back I think by that time.  We'd walk around sight seeing.

Who cares about the heat!  That's wut I thought.  Take photo first, suffer later.

Library next to it.

I think we were there for 30 minutes.  Mum wanted to fish.  Saw lotsa em in clear water.

Oh there's a seafood restaurant there.

Went to the temple after that.  It's located next to Ria Hotel.

Very interesting place.  Next we went to the market.  Mum thought there might be cloth selling there but couldn't find any. 

Filled the fuel and we're off.  Bye bye Kudat.  We left around 11am.

The road back home felt a bit shorter.  But you still get to see oil palm estates along the way.  It's a nicer view when you reaching Tuaran, paddy field all the way.

We stopped for sugarcane drink.  I think the uncle's mood affected the drink.  It's not sweet but taste ok.

That's not the only thing we stopped for.

More corn?

And this?  Mangoes.

And this?

And this? Durians.

We're almost reaching home when bro wanted to eat crabs.  So, decided either to go Salut or Gayang but when we saw the signboard to Oriental, we were curious and go try there for the 1st time.

Didn't know it was that far.  It's opposite the Crocodile farm.  That's like an extra 1.5km.  OMG!

Since it's already 3pm.  This is considered lunch+dinner.

Reached home around 4:30pm and it started raining heavily.  @_@"""

Overall the whole roadtrip was fun!  Lets do it again! ;)


  1. Wah, you on a road trip for the music fest? Cool. I'm envious of you. Enjoying yourself while I'm stuck with loads of work here in the office ... LOL!

  2. Mas, Im curious. Exclude the places you went especially the one with makan2 food, was the Music Fest worth going? I mean seriously worth the trip? I saw some pictures of the orchestra playing with the tip of borneo's view at the back. But i just couldn't imagine how one can actually enjoy the music when the sound is all over the place. You get what i mean?

  3. Carol, almost all the musicians had a mic for their instrument, and all the sound is being blasted through extremely powerful speakers, so yes, its loud and clear. You can hear every single ping of the violin string, but unfortunately, also every mistake anyone makes...

    Its definitely worth going, but be sure to bring an umbrella as the sun was still quite viscous at 4-4:30 (you need to get there early to ensure a good seat). And the event could be a bit longer; two hours is a bit too short...

  4. @Nick: heheheh yeah with friends, we sort of planned it since early year.

    @chegu: yes, the sound were all over the place, but the trip to there was fun. In my case la, coz I never been there. I thought the whole Music Fest thing could be improved in the future since 1st time kan.

    @Nex: Yes, I heard all those out of tune from where I was standing that time, that's why I was a bit disappointed and those people who are taller than me talking irrelevant stuff bikin panas oh.

  5. Wah.. someone's on diet it seems!

    I sure do miss road trip! Thanks for the photos, mas. I was scanning every photos for anyone that I know in Kudat who might end up in there. Ha ha ha!

  6. eh? where did my comment go? did i tekan salah button? lol

  7. @cindy: apaka commentmu? XD

  8. out of topic *nda juga la*

    sa malas nampak tu makanan, macam sedap. bikin lapar..haha
    itu durian lagi...fuh! hehe

    punya panas di esplanade tu, tahan juga kamurang ah..

    pi cari makanan dulu laaa

  9. @cin: oh ada sudah commentmu, tapi comment yang lain missing wth @_@ omg. Yar, my friend said my post owez become fewd post ahhaha instead of the event *rofl my bad. And yes, I'm on diet, I got roughly 8kg to go ka ni. Kalau mo ideal weight maybe 4kg to go XD

    @ruth: heheheh sorry, I like to post about fewd. YAH!!!! esplanade panas gila babas, se tahan jak tu, tu beg di belakangku berguna tutup tu heat hahahahaha.

  10. @Saru: sure u do, keeps hogging on it.

  11. That's TALAP! Just had it last night

  12. @Joey: hahahah, I dun eat it, I prefer eating something else XD
