
Monday, July 12, 2010

Sutera Harbour 7k Sunset Charity Run 2010 last Saturday

Yes! I've completed the 7k run last Saturday!  I feel gewd.  Went it with my bro and some friends.  I totally didn't expect it to be that many people.  I mean seriously! Check out some photos from my friend's album, here.  It's insane!  Next year I wanna be in front instead of in the middle, running from the middle trying to get through is hard.  And being separated with friends is not fun T_T I was running alone and I was sort of lost when trying to find the booth to change for lucky draw coupons *rofl.  Totally farnie.

Anyways, me and bro got there early, yes early like before 3pm.  In separate cars coz bro going to BBQ party after the run.  Parking is not farnie.  These are the only shots I took using my SE handphone.  No I didn't bring camera.  I wanna run!

We had to kill 2 hours or so.  *rofl.  The run started around  5:17pm?

Everywhere you sit, you'll see fewd!  There's sushi, pao, fried noodles, burgers, cotton candy etc.  But we didn't get to eat anything.  Oh well.

Oh and Linda Onn was there too.

More photos at another friend, Bernard's blog, here.

I "leech" this photo from Bernard.   Lotsa people didn't spot me.  LOL maybe I look different with cap on.  Uh oh! Yes free cap! XD

my bro, kana sama, me and chiaki XD with our lucky draw coupons.  *chanting.  But didn't win anything *pft~
Oh yeah, I went for jog/hiking at Tun Fuad on Sunday too.  Making that a weekly routine thinggie.  My body aching, but it's okeh. 


  1. wah wah wah! happening yo!

    next time i wanna join this..

    anyway, free ka ol d foods? hehe
    y i din take any of it... u waited for 2hours wat?

  2. *y u din take any of it*

  3. @ruth: coz if I eat I can't run! yay! next year lai lai join XD

  4. Ow! Miguel really wanted to participate in the run but we had our prenatal class on that day! Shoot! Glad to see you guys leading an active lifestyle!

    Cubes looks so kurus man now!!! Can become my personal trainer after I deliver lol!

  5. @Michelle: there's owez next year. XD yeah, he lost 11kg if I'm not mistaken XD wat? I'm not kurus ka? XD

  6. Wah, congrats Mas :D Yes,try to start from the front if possible cos starting from the back and trying ti get through all those people can be a little daunting ...

  7. @Nick: Next year! I shall be in front! mwahahhahah >:)
