
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

17th - 23rd Dec 2010 KL Trip - Part 3 - final

21st Dec 2010

The morning, me and kana sama got ready and left the place early, we got separated at was it Masjid Jamek station, me heading to KLCC while she head to KL Sentral since she will be going back on that day.

Since my bro didn't came back the nite before, thank gawd kana sama overnite, at least I have fren, I decided to meet up with sotong and fara at KLCC on Tuesday.  They decided to have brunch at Nando's but I already had Nando's and wanted something else for a change.  Place of choice?  Chilli's!  YAY!

They ordered.

Me? I ordered Cajun Club.  ZOMG so big the portion.  This cost RM25.95.

I had 1 coz I was so full.  Take away the leftovers.

Before we left.

Same hairstyle?

People were queuing up when we left, that was about past 12 noon? Maybe?

We went to Kinokuniya after that.  ZOMG! I wanna camp there! *shiet~! I saw a lot of stuff I wanted but I only got these 2 stuff.  On discount yay!

My initial plan was to tapau Junji Ito comic collection but most are out of stock and I didn't want the reprint version hrmph!!!  I left after my purchase.  Was suppose to go my own way but I decided to tag along with fara and sotong to Ampang Park.  Yes I was the lamp post but tagging along with them is so much fun!

Before went on our separate ways, we yamchar at Oldtown.

I can't remember what time was that but I went to Berjaya Times Square to meet up with my bro and his frens.

Indoor roller coaster reminds me of Lotte World.

Oh gawd, I'm losing my memory.  This is what happen when you delay your post.

I think I was shopping with Fluffeh.  Thanks a bunch Fluffeh for accompanying me till 9pm.  I left for Titiwangsa monorail at around that time and manage to get a sandal for myself and also a new kitty shirt from PDI yay.  I'm getting tired of wearing my sneakers.  Yes, I went back home alone.  When I reach the hotel premises, my bro arrived in a taxi.  Yes, he HAD to move back in with me at the condo or I'll be staying alone again.  Heh.

My shorts were dropping.  I need smaller size pants.  I don't think I'm getting skinnier though.

22nd Dec 2010 & 23rd Dec 2010 - Mid Valley Megamall + back to KK.

The plan was to shop at Mid Valley Megamall.  We actually wanted to go to KLCC but somehow decided to change our plan instead.  Meeting up with Fluffeh, his siblings and his mum later that day.  Took LRT to KL Sentral and interchange to KTM komuter to Mid Valley.

We were walking around Mid Valley Megamall while waiting for Fluffeh, I came across MNG 50% off sale argh!  I bought 2 new short pants.  1 size bigger, I am not comfortable with tight fitting pants.  I swear if I weren't that hungry I would shop at MNG and tapau lotsa stuff.  Went to Pasta Zanmai to meet up with Yus and my bro for lunch.  Yay it's Yus's treat!  Thanks for lunch!

The menu

Without set is RM19, with miso soup and appetizer is RM23.

We ordered these.

My raves, here.

Went to The Garden after lunch to look for some art stuff for my sis.

Went back to Mid Valley to meet up with Fluffeh at Nando's.  Had another meal @_@"""

But you know, the fries are damn delicious. It's hard to resist.

Bro, Fluffeh and Rais went to try the new PIU machine.

Dun pray pray, they has insane speed.  Almost perfect!

Left Mid Valley to KL Sentral with a cab.  That place has some kinda weird queuing system for waiting for cab.  Lotsa peeps took the cab without queuing and pissed lotsa ppl.  I think coz the place to queue is a bit far and security guard can't guard alone.  We manage after waiting for few minutes, there was a bit traffic coz we left at around after office hours.  What's creepy is when the lorry bang the taxi's side mirror, I cringe for awhile.  It was on my side, luckily there were only scratches on that side mirror, it didn't break.

Took the LRT back to Titiwangsa station and back to our place and started to pack.  Oh before that, we showered.  Arrived at KL Sentral at night and had dinner at Subway at around 8pm.  Meatballs madness!

Took the KLIA transit to LCCT.  I swear I was dozing off all the way.  Arrived at LCCT at nearly midnite.  Check in with the Air Asia kiosk at midnite, gawd I'm such a newb.

Had a drink at Oldtown.

We and everyone else were camping on the floor.  So as everyone else.

Since we couldn't check in our baggage till 6am, we had to go lag and waste time.  Our flight is at 8am.  Next time must remind self to take late flight.  Like noon onwards.  Was sleeping at the waiting area, damn cold.  I was freezing eventhough I had my sweater on.  Manage to cover above waist but not below, not farnie.

Had breakfast at 4:30am at the food court.

I can't remember what I eat but the chicken taste ewww.


Manage to kill time till 6am, checked in, went to toilet for gawd knows how many time.  Boarding at 8am, seated far and with noisy people.  I swear I couldn't sleep properly all the way home.  Arrived at 10:30am.  Gawd I swear I was cranky.

Went to the bank to collect my salary and went home.  When I reach home, I stayed up till I'm not sure maybe 3/4/5pm till I went and sleep.  My body clock need fixing.  I've been dragging my sleeping hours.

Oh!  I've also weigh myself.  I lost 3kg.  Hehehe.  I went to KL at 51kg, now I'm 48kg kick oh.

What I've learned from this trip?

  1. Don't travel with anyone who doesn't care about you - been there, done that.
  2. Don't survey, grab wutever you like - just that some stuff that are attainable in KK.
  3. Bring enuff cash and don't starve urself - not that I dun haf enuff cash, just that some peeps who travel dun have money to even pay for their own expenses which is kinda lame.
  4. Pick a convenient location for accommodation - dun complain if you're too weak to walk a distance.
  5. Bring an umbrella - it rains like crazy in KL.
Pretty much it.  Gawd, this post is like speedy post.  Sorry 'bout that.

-  THE END -


  1. Hey... good morning, i must tell you this,, i really really like your hairdo, it makes you look fresh,neat and exudes a sense of confidence.......

    so you will be flying back to the land beneath the wind soon,right?

    take care now and taking for dropping by my blog, will always do likewise ya..

    god bless and have a great 2011

  2. @eugene: morning, yeah I've been trying to keep up with everyone's blog posts and trying to keep up with running since I didn't get to run/jog for a week. It totally killed my stamina coz my sleeping hours went crazy and I lost a lot of weight which is bad.

    Happy New Year!

  3. hahaha. post short and bernas. lol.
    Oh our hair sama hairstyle. But mine senget belakang. HAHA! XD

  4. @fara: kekeke I tot lain the haircut, manatau sama hahahahah. But mine bulih ikat sudah. Biarlah, kasi panjang dulu rambutku ;D

  5. Not sure why you guys went up to LCCT so early? Next time if you all need a place to zzz... at night before the flight why not contact us? Quite a few like minded Sabahan's here in KL! Beats sleeping on the cold terminal floor :)

  6. @madmoz: hehehe coz we sked termiss flight and didn't wanna trouble anyone coz it's a working day *swt.

  7. Next time feel free to ask bah. My service apartment has a huge lobby with tv, you guys can mandi at my place before taking the LRT to Sentral and from there the bus to LCCT. No problems at all :P
    The missus and I won't mind.

  8. @madmoz: aight will keep that in mind the next time we go visit. ;D Thanks
