
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

That's it! I'm gonna combine my post [24th Dec - 28th Dec 2010]

I'll try to summarize everything.

Before I reach the state of not being able to think straight or remember what I did during the above mentioned period, am gonna make it short and hopefully cover everything in 1 post before my trip tomorrow.

I can't believe that my Dec gonna be this bz.  Bz meeting peeps!

24th Dec 2010 - random yamchar xmas eve session at kana sama's house.

Lets start with morning session.  Went to Euro Bakery to supposely pick up the turkey we ordered months ago but it wasn't ready.  New shop?

Went to pick my sis up from work, took passport photo at Donggongon, went to Megalong coz my sis wanted to get curtains, had lunch at Hot Rolls.

Went back to Euro Bakery to pick up turkey and when we got home, dad brought home turkey sponsored by KYS along with fruit cake.  Okeh.

The fruit cake.

Turkey from Euro Bakery.

Turkey from KYS.

Funny thing was, both turkey cost the same.  Why is the one from Novotel is bigger?

At nite, yamchar session.  This was random and via plurk.  No surprise if not many peeps know about it.

Saw some fireworks.  We were there till 2am.

I think I did a lot of sleeping on xmas day.  I can't remember what I did @_@

25th Dec 2010 - Fara's surprise birthday at EPAL, Sadong.

Actually sotong been buzzing me about this since in KL.  Since I couldn't check my fb when I was in KL, I only manage to confirm at a very last minute heheh opps.

Finger foods!

I thought that thing is at 9pm, I was rushing all the way there.  Wore my new blouse.  Hehehe, make it look like a dress yay~

Green tea cupcakie!

Group pictah!

Talking about short post.  This post is short, I mean you know wut I mean orz.

26th Dec 2010 - Hang out with Mbek and sushi at WoJamama. 

Had a yamchar session with the girls at Boston.

I has lemony ocean drink.

Okeh, I seriously dun like to pronounce Wojamama, instead, I say Wojomama kekekeke.  Thanks to Yack Yack for inviting me to dinrar.  Oh yeah, and it was nice to yamchar with Mbek.  She look different with short hair.  I nearly couldn't recognize her.

I had these for dinrar.

My leftovers.

Group pictar.

Mai tan!

Next we went to Hobby Densetsu, but left early coz got drama.  Too much negative aura, so decided to proceed to Party Play LifeStyle Cafe at Lintas.  Gawd I love this place!

I had strawberry milkshake.  Shiawase!  Next time wanna go there eat.

More photos via facebook, here.

I can't remember what I did on 27th.  Oh shi- anyways, proceed to 28th Dec.

28th Dec 2010 - Roadtrip to Beaufort + rob-jr's wedding.

Since me and Lt. Munyit couldn't attend the KK reception on the 30th, we decided to attend the church wedding at Beaufort yesterday.  Thank gawd I could tag along with drebar munyit, if not I'd be crying driving all the way.  My sis and mum also tag along.  Meet up with drebar at Karamunsing Capital at 8:45am.  I was early and I haven't had breakfast.

It was a quiet journey there.  *cricket sound.  Good thing about having my mum around is, she can start a farnie conversation.  OTL.

Arrived at St. Valentine's church at 10:30am.  We were slightly lost around town area for awhile but manage to find the church.  We weren't sure if we went to the right church till we saw acing's bald head heheheh.  Actually I saw his dad outside but I was blur.

I was seated at 3rd row at the groom's side.  We're family!  I know the groom since form 1 (that makes 17 years and counting, ngam ka ni?), that should qualify me as family kekekekke.

The whole ceremony ended around noon.

And now you can kiss the bride.  *giggles.

Take picture!

Take picture with bride and groom :D  Finally our turn after photo with bride's family, photo with groom's family and photo with aunty-aunty. 

Met some ex classmates outside the church.  Surprisingly they recognize me, 1st thing I hear was "mas!" next was "ko kurus sudah".  Oh okeh.

Thought of leaving after but mum wanted to go to the bride's house which is 9km away from the church.

Had brunch at 1pm.

More photos via facebook, here.

Cut story short, we went to 2 temple on the way home.  It rained after which is around 3pm.  Reach KK around 4:30pm.  Heavy rain!  Went to Boston for ice cream.

Shared banana split and had barley.

Spotted this otw home around Kolombong around 5:30pm.  ZOMG cuteness.

Overall trip was fun!  Thanks to munyit for driving.  It must have been tiring. 

Tomorrow Kundasang trip woohoo!


  1. that'a long eat eat eat...and oh congratz Rob...then continue eat eat eat...anyway have fun reading ur blog...see you next year...

  2. @clay: Yes, I have lotsa eating this past week.
