
Monday, January 31, 2011

Gawddamn necklace cut me

I've changed it.  The silver necklace I wore before is evil! This is the 2nd time.  *sigh.  *puts medicine to make it disappear.  Maybe I should remove it entirely?  Argh!  Funny thing is, I don't feel a thing when I got these, I only feel it when I come back from my long runs for shower.  Urgh.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sushi Tei, Suria Sabah Dinner Outing

Clay had tagged a bunch of people to a photo on facebook on the 10th Jan 2011.  The discussion started there, fallenone then tagged few people for an outing via facebook last Wednesday since Sushi Tei Kota Kinabalu branch is officially open on 23rd Jan 2011 (I think).  How exciting.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Yack Yack's Surprise Birthday Outing

I ain't gonna call it a party since it's more like a random outing masterminded by kana sama :D and it was sort of last minute.  The initial plan was to do it tonite, but we came to a conclusion to do it last nite, which is the exact day of his b'day.

Lets just say the location was random.  We went for Luk Luk at Tanamera, Lintas.  My first time there, was a bit blur to where it's exactly located but it's kinda easy to spot, same row as Maybank.  I arrived there at around 8:30pm.  I was gonna leave early coz planned to jog in the morning since it started raining around after noon, I ain't taking that chance man.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

23rd Jan 2011 Post

For the sake of updating.

It's been raining a lot lately.  I've changed my running schedule for weekdays last week coz it rained almost everyday after work.  I'll say it's nice to run in the morning but I'd be late for work.  Trying to figure out a way to not be late for work, maybe I could bring my stuff and shower there?  Hmm, I can't do that either since I dun have the key.  Unless I came around nearly 8am hmm, will figure something out.

On another note, dad wrote his first book.  About cocos community.  It's more about the history of cocos and the culture, I haven't read it yet and it's in Malay.  Available for purchase, interested gimme a buzz.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mid Jan 2011

*brush off spiderwebs and dusts.  

I'm still here, I just don't really have the mood to blog, or I don't have anything to blog about, or I'm tired or I'm lazy (*excuses).

Anyways, recap to what I did last week, okay maybe last 2 weeks.

Went for Ngiu Chap at Hilltop with bunch of frens after jog at Tun Fuad on the 9th, I manage to run 6.3km on that day.  Went for Season of the Witch movie on the 11th, had a rush 20 mins dinner at Kenny Rogers before the movie.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Delayed Post: 1/1/11

I've been wanting to blog about this since that day, but I was too bz and too tired to.  I've been sleeping early, like 9pm early this week.  What's wrong with me?  Most of my friends are down with the fever, and today it's my turn.  But no worries, I recover fast, or so I think?

Anyways, lets start.

Our plan on New Years was to visit Larry & Vince's Farmstay at Kg. Sinulihan, Inanam.  It's very near to my place.  Mum saw the ads in Daily Express if I'm not mistaken.  I think the whole fishing thing caught her attention.  Btw, they've been open for a year if I'm not mistaken, they're on facebook, here and they have a blog, here.  I think their rate is RM75 per head (inclusive of breakfast, lunch and dinner).

Sunday, January 02, 2011

CSP BBQ Potluck outing at Kundasang [30th - 31st Dec 2010]

We've planned this after the Beach outing around 1st Nov 2010.  We estimated around 12 people confirmed at the beginning but due to certain matter, 2 could not make it.  We have 3 volunteered to drive there, Rendy, chucky and Lt. Munyit (replacing Ripz who is sick and couldn't make it).

Packed my stuff 1 day earlier and double, heck I might have triple check just in case I missed out anything.  Planned the pick up for Lt. coz he'll have to pick 4 girls (me, sakuya, marseh and paha) up.  I'm the earliest, he estimated the time of pick up, me at 6:45am, sakuya at 7:15am, marseh at 7:30am and paha at 7:45am.  I'd wake up at 4:30am just in case I have my 30-45 mins lagging time browsing sites int he morning.  Yes it will take me that long.

Got ready and waited around 10 mins before Lt. arrived at my place.  Went to fill up the tank before pick sakuya.