
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Workout Progress

After 3 days of resting my leg.  I decided to jog today.  I though, manage to run roughly 3km.  Had to stop coz I feel so much straining on my left leg.  Gonna rest it again today and try to run again on Saturday.  At this point I'm not sure if I would be able to run on Sunday.  *sigh.  I hope I can.

Look at the map, loop.  This is Likas Jogging Track  Running 10 rounds of this could be so boring.  1 round is below 1km I think.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Greeno Dinner + Talk

Today went to Windbell Seafood Restaurant at Tg. Aru for dinner and health talk.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

20th Feb 2011 [Sunday] - First 22km attempt

Instead of doing 13km run, I went and do the 22km run with a friend.  This week's training sux.  Not only my body was straining, I'm not sure if I had too much to eat on Saturday or the screwy sleeping hours or wutever the reason is, I'm very slow today.  FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!  Am disappointed.

Met munyit/shiVER at 5am.  I was a bit late coz of stomach discomfort.  I don't know why I had to go poo poo every morning.  I'd tape 2 of my toes this week.  I think it's the way I run that I normally bust my toes when I'm done with my long run.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Garmin Forerunner 405CX watch

I've been going back and forth about a sport watch for months and finally decided to purchase em via Ebay on 14th Feb 2011 (personal Valentine's gift?).  Thank gawd the banks open on Monday.  Or I'll be delaying this purchase again. 

I've been timing myself with my handphone for months, to the extent of the phone almost died on me coz I run with it during a 17km heavy rain run.  Not funny.  I had to knock it few times to return it back to normal.  I nearly thought that I'm screwed if the phone died on me.  I though, did a backup for my contact list to another phone heheh.  Just in case.  We don't want the same thing to happen again now do we?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pre Valentine's Day Dinner with Parents

This was a random plan between me and my sib----- I mean sis.  We decided to treat mum and dad for dinner at Sushi Tei.  Family dinner, it's been awhile, I think our last family dinner was when my eldest sis came back for holiday.

I've told my sis to reserve a table for 4 tonite few days before, well just in case, who knows it might be full.  And I was right, full house, quite a number of people reserved tables tonite and some were queuing.  We went early and arrived on time.  Seated and start to order.

Valentine's Day Promotion.

Jogging/Training Post

Since my blog has been quiet for 2 weeks *brush off spider webs and dusts, I've decided to post my current activities of the week I'm in, okay maybe combine the 2 weeks?  Zomg it's Valentine's Day tomorrow (*buat muka don't care).  Before that, me and sis gonna bring parents to eat some Japanese fewd tonite.  Yay!

Credits to Nex for the pictah

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Almost CNY update

Wishing everyone a happy holiday and Happy CNY!  Makan sampai kenyang! (dun overdo it).

I wanted to blog about Pra's Corner few weeks ago, but since I forgot to take photo of the place, I'll just post the fewd I had last 22nd Jan 2011.  Went there with 2 peeps.  Some of the fewd are pricey.  But some aren't.  Like garlic rice is RM3, Naan range from RM5 if I'm not mistaken.  Other dish is a bit pricey.  I can't remember how much though.