
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hello Sunday

Good Mor-zzz.

How are you people?  *looks outside the window.  Why issit to bright? What happen to this morning rain?  Gone so soon?  Anyways, lets talk about yesterday.  So yeah, I got yesterday planned out nicely in my head (I'd do this occasionally, I mean planning in my head, okay, I lied, it's all the time), I was gonna go to the tailor's, get a hair cut and go for some shopping at Suria Sabah.  Nope, that did not happen.  Instead, I skip the first 2 and went directly to Suria Sabah to check out the Shopaholic's Bazaar.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


My next favorite Android Photography Apps.

Mind you, this is sort of the probably 7th or 8th photography related apps I tried.  I was previously hooked on Little Photo/FxCamera/retroCamera but in the end, this is my current favorite.  Eventhough it doesn't have a lot of effects like Little Photo does, I enjoyed using this one.  And Massy being Massy, I'd be snapping a lot of photos.  Like since I got this umm this week? Prolly 2-3 days ago.  I've snapped over 50 photos.  Yes, I am crazy.  But I've uploaded 11 only XP

Some of the photos I took.  I love the 70s effect.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Seaside Traveller's Inn

Long post is long...

I can't remember when was the initial plan date, but Pjal suggested we have a BBQ night at Seaside Traveller's Inn in Kinarut on 23rd July 2011 (Saturday) last 15th July 2011. Trying to recall if we had an initial discussion about this but my mind left me in a blank, must be the lack of sleep. Why did I wake up so early? I'm suppose to only go jog around the afternoon not the morning. I think I had a roughly 5 hours sleep. Damn you body clock!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

It's not 24 million yet...

*troll.  I don't want a 24 million diamond ring but I would want some awesome gadgets, sekian, terima kasih.

I was feeling a bit bored today.  Actually I'm a bit tired but I didn't wanna sleep as early as before 9pm.  So, guess what I did?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

11th Sutera Harbour 7k Sunset Run 2011

My 2nd time, check last year's post, here.

Registered early and got 1 size smaller compared to last year.  Shirt still a bit big for me.  But it's okay.  This year, the organizers closed the parking area at Magellan.  Resort to parking at Harbour City which is not bad also coz a lot of parking.  Though crossing the road freaks me out a bit coz it's one big road.  Thank gawd for the Blek Yeti as shield 8D

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I think I should shower first before I start this post.  Off I go.

Back after 20 mins.  Oh gawd, I need to put mask later.  I'm so tired.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

VASSAL - the open-source boardgame engine

Apart of being hooked on social networking, I've started to be hooked on this thing called VASSAL (click here to re-direct).  So what is this?
Vassal is a game engine for building and playing online adaptations of board games and card games. Play live on the Internet or by email. Vassal runs on all platforms, and is free, open-source software.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A week before Sutera Harbour 7k Sunset Run

It's been awhile since I last hang out/meet with Amy.  She whatsapp me the other day for dinner.  And since I have plans for Killing Floor with bunch of people, decided to meet her up around 6:30pm.  I went there after work with Sakuya.  Both of us were hungry.  I think there were a number of new cafe/restaurant at Citymall but one in particular had made me curious for quite awhile.

We went to Mangen Mitu.  Located at the same row as Ceryn Hotel (ngam ka nama ni hotel?).  End of the world punya location.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Roadtrip to Pesta GATA Sipitang 2011

Last Sunday (3rd July 2011) we planned for a roadtrip to Pesta GATA Sipitang.  It's sort of considered my 2nd time there.  The last time I went there was few years ago.  On this trip, there was more than 10 of us while Lea and her siblings wait for us at Sipitang.