
Monday, April 30, 2012

Jna's Surprise Birthday & A Touch of Evil Boardgame

5:15 or was it 5:20am, I can't see shite capta'n, oh but I see stars!  Too bad my phone camera couldn't capture that beautiful sight

I started my day by waking up way too early for my Sunday run.  I arrived at the track early, like 15 mins early.  Saw a lot of runners started running around 5:30am.  In a big group.  Went to the toilet before my run and when I came out from the toilet, oh lord,  stray dogs, I mean usually I just couldn't be bothered by it but there were more than 5 of em and I was walking to my car, towards Jna when the pack started running towards me.  Mind you, I'm not such a dog person that I sometimes freak okay, see my house have dogs and years ago, I would get my mum or siblings to put them in cage everytime I go out, yes, till mum told me to get over it and I don't have any problem ever since.  But in this situation, oh god, I think my heart dropped man.  Seriously, my heart were beating so fast it's not funny.  And as I was saying, I stop walking halfway cause I heard em steps and I looked at Jna, I think I nearly wanna cry.  I was like thinking okay, I shouldn't run, just walk quickly towards Jna.  Surpringly, they stopped running towards me.  Relief!  Gawddamn stray dogs WARGH!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

All in one update

BIM (Borneo International Marathon) 2012 is nearing.  I'm excited and anxious at the same time.  I think reason why I'm not getting enough sleep lately.  There's been ups and downs during my training, the best part is running faster and maintaining my pace, bad part is my body got so tired that it keeps giving up.  I'm frustrated sometimes.  But I guess cause I don't know how to relax?  Like seriously relax?

My smelly wet New Balance

Anyways, it's taper week and I'm back on track.  I manage to maintain my pace at 6:28 mins for 14.09km today, it could be better if it wasn't because of the rain at 6 something this morning, but am still proud of myself.  Heavy rain!  It felt like I was being pushed with that strong wind, I couldn't be too skinny now, cause last I check, I weight around 46.5kg which is bad cause I lost 3kg muscle :(  too much cardio?  It's okay.  Lets just leave the weight at that till after my full marathon.

Had Ngiu Chap for breakfast.

Notice how the photos aren't center?  I take using instagram lol

Went home, thought I would sleep but I end up staying up playing Borderlands on steam and unlocked 2 achievements.  I'd play longer but I had to go out for boardgame at 2:30pm.

I've been off facebook for 3 weeks now.  It felt good and bad at the same time.  I needed some of the updates but it's too much of a distraction.  But here's another problem I've encountered.  Instagram!  I've been on it since 4th April, I've uploaded over 200 photos, WTH is wrong with me?

Crazy or not?

Monday, April 09, 2012

I must be on a blogging spree

I'm making time to blog lately.  I think I found the reason why.  FACEBOOK! Gawddamn facebook been sucking my life all these while till I don't have time for anything.  Yeah, one of the reason for deactivating myself.  You're not gonna take my soul!  Damn YOU!

Anyways back to what I was suppose to blog about.  Boardgames yes! :)

But before that, I have no idea why I'm feeling extremely hungry, till the extent of emptiness since last Sunday.  Did I not eat enough food?  What is going on?  Maybe "nippon flagging" soon?

Update on my injuries:

  • The rib is fine, no signs of pain.  I also ran out of meds.
  • Starting to feel twitch on the right leg from last Sunday run.  Yes yes, I gotta be careful next time.  Again! 
  • Body were all sore this morning like a piano fell onto me.  But I'm feeling quite fine now.  Actually I haven't shower yet and still in my working clothes lol.  Talking about being enthusiastic.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

The Sunday running encounter

Scheduled 22.53km run today.  I've improved.  So happy.  But before we get to that, lets rollback for a bit.

The night before, I slept at 10pm.  After watching episode 2 of the tv series Touch.  This series is nice, it's that dood from 24, right?  I don't really like him but somehow this one is good.  Woke up at 11pm twice because of nightmare.  Trying to recall if I watched any weird horror movies lately.  Somehow, it was a creepy weird dream.  It's like I was going to a public toilet and the shower in one were on and next thing you know somebody is choking me.  Dafuq.  I can't brain this.  I couldn't sleep after that.  My alarm was set at 2am.  So for 2 hours I was looking at the ceiling.  Sad case of being scared.  My sis went to Kundasang with her friend.  I would have gone if I don't have scheduled run today.

Finally get off from the bed around 2:05am, you know that feeling when you get extremely hungry that you feel empty inside?  That was my morning feeling.  So, I thought maybe my final medicine for the rib pain made me hungry.  Hey, I had dinner the night before and that doesn't seem to cover the whole emptiness.  Showered, ate 3 bananas and drink water.  Feel slightly better.  Did some browsing till 3:20am.  Stomach ache, went to the toilet twice.  Oh lord.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Good Friday Thank God

I couldn't do my Thursday scheduled run due to rain.  I was pissed cause I thought I wouldn't wanna miss any this month cause it's the final month I get to train before the actual day.  No, I'm not overtraining though I injured my left rib.  Still manageable.  Nothing serious, don't worry.  I've also gone through some personal issues (truth hurts but that's how life is).

Oh did I blog about my smartphone.  Yes, it's finally back.  My data totally wipe out but they upgraded the firmware.  Gingerbread!  Faster than previous.  But it's still wonky when I charge it.  In the sense that I couldn't play with it when it's charging.  But overall it's good.  It's like a sign to start anew.  Re-installed some android apps that I used to use.  But the best apps that got me hooked would be instagram.  Since I got this installed, I've been posting photos like madness.  I must be crazy.  Been trying to refrain myself not to post everything lol.

A random plan just for us girls (Me, Jna, Sakuya and Amber).  With all the stress and issues lately, we decided to just go to one of the island, in this case, Manukan to de-stress.  Initially it was an incomplete pack but at the very minute, everything work out fine.

Woke up early in the morning, had my bag all packed, went to Sakuya's house around 7:30am.  Went to supermarket to get some supplies.  Left my car there and 3 of us carpool to Jesselton Point.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012


Yay~ Sakuya went to Tawau for an event and bought me a big pack of amplang weeeeeeeeee.

Hot pack

Funny looking hot pack.  I was asking my mum if she have this thing cause I have to place warm water on my rib three (3) times a day for 15 mins.  Mum actually have those hot/cold pack but I was too lazy to wait or do anything with it.  Initially I wanted to just use a water bottle but somehow the thought of sleeping with a water bottle doesn't seem fun.

Monday, April 02, 2012

What is up with this heat?

I mean seriously.  Why is it so hot? Every night, I sleep, I have to turn on the aircond.  Sometims I end up waking up and turning the aircond off cause it was too cold but sometimes I end up waking up again cause it was too hot that it's giving me rashes.  Gawddamnit!

On another note, remember how wait, did I even blog about me twisting the veins around near my left ribcage like 2 Saturdays ago?  Anyways, if I didn't then yeah I sort had that going on, it messed up my nerves and breathing.  I got it fixed early last week but it didn't went away.  I actually felt like running with a burden on my sides during my last run sessions.  I think it totally screwed me.  Didn't complete my last week's Saturday run.  I only manage to complete 5.6km when I should be doing 9.66km.  I know for a fact that my breathing was messed up cause when I stop, I see stars.  That did not happen for awhile.  I mean like the last time I see stars were like a year ago, maybe, when I was running around the park and went hiking after that.  Yes yes, I should have taken a breather but I kept going.  Not enough oxygen, yes yes, I know.