
Saturday, April 07, 2012

Good Friday Thank God

I couldn't do my Thursday scheduled run due to rain.  I was pissed cause I thought I wouldn't wanna miss any this month cause it's the final month I get to train before the actual day.  No, I'm not overtraining though I injured my left rib.  Still manageable.  Nothing serious, don't worry.  I've also gone through some personal issues (truth hurts but that's how life is).

Oh did I blog about my smartphone.  Yes, it's finally back.  My data totally wipe out but they upgraded the firmware.  Gingerbread!  Faster than previous.  But it's still wonky when I charge it.  In the sense that I couldn't play with it when it's charging.  But overall it's good.  It's like a sign to start anew.  Re-installed some android apps that I used to use.  But the best apps that got me hooked would be instagram.  Since I got this installed, I've been posting photos like madness.  I must be crazy.  Been trying to refrain myself not to post everything lol.

A random plan just for us girls (Me, Jna, Sakuya and Amber).  With all the stress and issues lately, we decided to just go to one of the island, in this case, Manukan to de-stress.  Initially it was an incomplete pack but at the very minute, everything work out fine.

Woke up early in the morning, had my bag all packed, went to Sakuya's house around 7:30am.  Went to supermarket to get some supplies.  Left my car there and 3 of us carpool to Jesselton Point.

Didn't have breakfast, went there check for the earliest  boat ride.  This would be my first time to visit Manukan Island.  Reach the counter and get the tickets.  So many counters lol.  Pick one.  We look like students lol.  RM30 (well RM30.20 per person actually).  Renting snorkel and life jacket for RM15.  If at Manukan also can rent for RM20?  I think.

Waiting for our boat.

Left Photo: Leeched from Jna
Right Photo: My camera :)

Left the jetty at around 9:10am.  Speed boating.

Bye bye Jesselton Point.

Wear life jacket.  Strong wind is strong lol.

It only take few minutes to reach there.  Not there yet, this is Mamutik Island.  Next time wanna go here.

Reached Manukan at 9:36am.


Get ticket from the counter.  RM3 per person.  With this ticket you can go to all the islands, but we'll do that next time.

We went to the side where there's less people.

Use back road to get to the beach lol.

First off, lets do a bit jumping shall we?  Few attempt *rofl.  We must sync! XD;;;

Next? Feed!  Tuna sandwich made by Amber.  Yay for food.

There's accommodation and souvenir shops there.  But no ice cream.  Even if there is, it'll be pricey.  Expected.

You can rent gears too.  Snorkel, mat, safety jacket and etc.  We rented the mat for RM5 with RM10 deposit.

Lots of jelly fish oh.  But it's fun regardless.  Just sit, lie down and relax.

Photo leeched from Sakuya

My back straight enough?

Don't forget sunscreen.

No, I didn't get sunburn.  My tan lines are from running.  Oh so uneven orz.  And those aren't my bones.  It's the tan lines.  I'm serious.

Public toilet for shower available yay~

Went off around 3pm cause it looks kind of cloudy around KK area.  It's gonna rain!  We planned to go back at 4pm initially but yeah that gloomy cloud is scary.

Look at the clouds

Reached Jesselton Point at 3:30pm.  Thought we drop by English Tea House for scones.  Since we planned to have seafood for dinner.

No scones :( so ordered something else.  Had strawberry tea and bruschetta.  Some had salad and sandwich.  And we waited till the rain to stop.  Yeah, heavy rain.  We stayed till I think 6pm.

Strawberry tea RM4.50

Parking at Jesselton Point since morning cost RM10.  Split into 4.

Went to Asia City.  Welcome Seafood Restaurant!  SEAFOOD!

Left photo: leeched from Sakuya
Right photo: the one I took.

 Chinese tea and garlic with soy sauce nyummeh


And we don't eat rice.  All those for RM33.50 per person.

Wait, we're not done yet.  After that we went to J's Kitchen & Cafe at Hilltop for desserts.


I had Ice Blended Green Tea with Red Bean.  Love it.

Achievement unlocked:

  • Went an island (not my first time to an island but first time to Manukan).
  • Wear bikini and show skin lol.  I just realize I'm kind of thin, the mirror lies!
  • Learn swimming.
  • Even the tan lines.  Yes, I have those tan lines from running.  My skin color look so unevenly fugly.
Overall it was a fun trip.  Some people thought I'm Thai orz.  I know I look chinese but okay.jpg.  Spend a bit of $$ but the memories+experience= PRICELESS.

I got tons of other photos but reaching this point I'm a bit tired already.  I slept around midnight last night and woke up at 5:30am this morning for my scheduled run.  It's 2pm now and I'm tired.  So I'm gonna sleep for awhile and run again tomorrow.

Happy reading peeps.


  1. Massy in bikini! Woohoo! Finally! hehehe...aiya, makes me miss go island la's been awhile.

    1. *chuckled. Build up confidence lol. Best o go pulau XD

  2. I downloaded Instagram and I seriously can't see what all the hype is about though.

    Woohoo to Gingerbread :D I'm waiting for my ICS update to arrive for my phone.

    1. Nick, you need to feel like you want a lot of attention lol! XD

  3. wahhh! hot babe and good food! such and enjoyable trip ey! :D

  4. Saya nampak tu badan yang slim.

  5. Suddenly, Rungitom in Speedo, bahahahaha~

    I like the part where Achievement Unlocked, and that dessert.. motherofgod.jpg

    1. LOL! I wanna unlock more achievements. Lol shows that I haven't been playing steam games lately. Yes, desserts is gewdding. Oh man I'm hungry now.

  6. ntah la bila sa bleh topless pigi beach ni xD

    1. Bulih bah kalau ada semangat tu. Yakin jak!
