
Tuesday, April 03, 2012


Yay~ Sakuya went to Tawau for an event and bought me a big pack of amplang weeeeeeeeee.

I'll hug you just now but I just finish my run.  I is smelleh.

But thanks again.  Yes yes, I know I've been bugging you about it for weeks but yay~ I know you love me :)

On another note, she also gave me the Japanese curry paste cause another friend bought the wrong one for me.  :(

This is the one she used for cooking the curry few weeks ago.  Tasty :)  I'm gonna cook it when I have free time.

Running progress...

It was raining heavily earlier.  Thank god it stopped raining after work.  Did a scheduled 8.05km today at easy pace.  I was afraid that I might not able to do it but luckily the rib did not give me much problem.  No running with burden.  Good medicine is good.  And somehow legs feel lighter than usual.  But combo stitch at 2-3km.  I was pressing it and it went away after awhile.  Maintained within targeted pace.  But I speed up during my last km.  I was doing below 6 mins.

After finish, coughing and rib pain a bit.  But it's okay.  It's fine now after eat medicine.  I just hope it can totally go away, I do not want to rely on medicine.  Just hope I can improve more soon.

Had Burger King Nugget Burger for dinner with fries, onion rings and milo after that.  I feel good.  I wish I could eat beef though.  But am not risking that.

Till the next post.  Okay, getting a bit sleepy now, good night :)


  1. I like amplang but only can enjoy them when sis go to visit her in-laws. :)

    Good to hear that the rib pain isn't so bad that it stop you from running. But do take care!

  2. Amplang... so good you can even eat it on its own. Wakakaa. (Please read sentence like in the Gardenia commercial tone) :D

    Happy Thursday, Mas Light!
