
Monday, April 28, 2014

[Boardgame] King of Tokyo

Love and hating Blogger app.  I had this drafted via smartphone and it didn't sync with the browser and hang!  RAGE!  Retyping this, OMFG!  And when retyping, everything that's typed is not the same huhu~

Last Friday, I went for boardgame session at Jack's place.  He just got this new boardgame called King of Tokyo.  I went after my Yoga class.  I was slightly hungry.  Thank god I brought along 1.5litre of water with me hee.

What's King of Tokyo?  King of Tokyo is a game from Richard Garfield, designer of Magic: The Gathering and Android: Netrunner.  Basically, it's you (the players) taking roles as monsters, robots or aliens destroying Tokyo!  Minimum 2 player max up to 6 players.  There's only three (3) of us that night.  That works to, test run.  We need to test 6 players one of these days peeps.  Anyone interested to play? 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

[Event] Eclectic Ecstatic 2 @ El Centro

I usually don't have time for events cause I tend to focus on my running schedule, but since I'm on force rest from running, might as well fill up my time with something interesting.  Everyone needs to chill once awhile no?  

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

[Food] Secret Recipe: Beyond Veggie

I have been wanting to go to Beyond Veggie for awhile, but most of the time I didn't have anyone to come with (yes, eating alone could be lonely sometimes).  This is Secret Recipe take on "eating healthy".  No meat!  Now why can't they have Subway Sandwiches here?  Just saying.

Finally went to have late lunch with Marseh after Thomas Sabo Summer Spring 2014 Collection Event Launch.

There's probably two (2) branch of this franchise which is at Suria Sabah and Metro Town. 
Looking at the menu, everything looks interestingly appetizing.  Randomly picked one of the pasta selection.  

I had Spaghetti Carbonara which cost around RM16.90.  Need salt but I alternate for pepper.  The tempura mushrooms and veggies tasted nice though.  Or just cause I'm not a big fan of creamy sauce?

Monday, April 21, 2014

In pursuit of happiness

Oh wow, my last post was around end of February.  The same time when I injured my left leg (more like pelvic/hip area), I was on painkillers and joint meds for almost a month and couldn't sleep on my left side.  Somehow, thinking about it, I actually looked funny trying to drag myself off bed or car coz I couldn't lift it.  Even trying to put on pants I would need to hold on the table for support.  I feel so old! 

Keep reminding myself that I shouldn't push myself even if I want to.  I could be really stubborn sometimes, I think I'll only stop running if I'm dead.  Haven't had a proper run for almost 2 months is driving me nuts, was alternating with hiking but I recently found out that I shouldn't be doing that either.  Canceled Mt. Kinabalu climb last Friday via feratta.  Gone through a series of ups and downs (more like a pile of frustration) and trying not to occasionally break down from it. 

In the process of healing, estimated recovery time is 6 weeks.  Going through physio, slow exercise is so slow.  Took up Yoga and Swimming.  Lost almost 5kg in the process.  Friends are good support system.  Next race pending Borneo International Marathon on 4th May 2014.  Not sure if I'm able to run for this but being hopeful since there's only minor twitching. Probably just do a relax run not with target time.  Looking forward to meet IG and facebook runner friends. 

I'm planning ahead for next year's activities!  YOLO!