
Thursday, April 24, 2014

[Event] Eclectic Ecstatic 2 @ El Centro

I usually don't have time for events cause I tend to focus on my running schedule, but since I'm on force rest from running, might as well fill up my time with something interesting.  Everyone needs to chill once awhile no?  

The event will be held at El Centro (if you don't know where this is, it's located facing Wisma Merdeka, the same row as Little Italy slightly before Milimewa?  You can't miss it) on Saturday the 26th April 2014 at 7pm onwards.  And it's FREE!  We know everyone likes freebies :)

Some of the line up.

Orkes Akiuku (Sabah Ukulele Group), woot? How cool is that?  Where have I been?  Oh ya, running.  Hee~

Malaysian/Sabahan Alternative/Post Rock band, Versatile.

There's more line up on the event page, check via Facebook, here.

So looking forward to this.  See you guys there!  Whoever is going hee~  I'll try to do live update via IG! :D

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